The name of this superfamily has been modified since the most recent official CATH+ release (v4_3_0). At the point of the last release, this superfamily was: waiting to be named.

Functional Families

Overview of the Structural Clusters (SC) and Functional Families within this CATH Superfamily. Clusters with a representative structure are represented by a filled circle.
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FunFam 12: DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit beta

Please note: GO annotations are assigned to the full protein sequence rather than individual protein domains. Since a given protein can contain multiple domains, it is possible that some of the annotations below come from additional domains that occur in the same protein, but have been classified elsewhere in CATH.

There are 2 GO terms relating to "molecular function"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
DNA-directed 5'-3' RNA polymerase activity GO:0003899
Catalysis of the reaction: nucleoside triphosphate + RNA(n) = diphosphate + RNA(n+1). Utilizes a DNA template, i.e. the catalysis of DNA-template-directed extension of the 3'-end of an RNA strand by one nucleotide at a time. Can initiate a chain 'de novo'.
2 Q9LK40 (/ISS) Q9LK40 (/ISS)
Protein binding GO:0005515
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
2 Q9LK40 (/IPI) Q9LK40 (/IPI)

There are 7 GO terms relating to "biological process"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
DNA methylation GO:0006306
The covalent transfer of a methyl group to either N-6 of adenine or C-5 or N-4 of cytosine.
2 Q9LK40 (/IDA) Q9LK40 (/IDA)
DNA methylation GO:0006306
The covalent transfer of a methyl group to either N-6 of adenine or C-5 or N-4 of cytosine.
2 Q9LK40 (/IMP) Q9LK40 (/IMP)
Production of siRNA involved in RNA interference GO:0030422
Cleavage of double-stranded RNA to form small interfering RNA molecules (siRNAs) of 21-23 nucleotides, in the context of RNA interference.
2 Q9LK40 (/IMP) Q9LK40 (/IMP)
Gene silencing by RNA GO:0031047
Any process in which RNA molecules inactivate expression of target genes.
2 Q9LK40 (/IMP) Q9LK40 (/IMP)
Posttranscriptional gene silencing by RNA GO:0035194
Any process of posttranscriptional gene inactivation (silencing) mediated by small RNA molecules that may trigger RNA (often mRNA) degradation or negatively regulate mRNA translation.
2 Q9LK40 (/IMP) Q9LK40 (/IMP)
Regulation of immune response GO:0050776
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the immune response, the immunological reaction of an organism to an immunogenic stimulus.
2 Q9LK40 (/IMP) Q9LK40 (/IMP)
Defense response to fungus GO:0050832
Reactions triggered in response to the presence of a fungus that act to protect the cell or organism.
2 Q9LK40 (/IMP) Q9LK40 (/IMP)

There are 8 GO terms relating to "cellular component"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
RNA polymerase IV complex GO:0000418
RNA polymerase IV is a multisubunit RNA polymerase complex found in the nucleus of plants and involved in accumulation of siRNAs and in DNA methylation-dependent silencing of endogenous repeated sequences. Pol IV is composed of subunits that are paralogous or identical to the 12 subunits of Pol II. The largest and second-largest subunits of Pol IV are the catalytic subunits and share similarity with the corresponding subunits of other eukaryotic and bacterial multisubunit RNA polymerases. The second largest subunit is also found in RNA polymerase V, while the largest subunit is found only in RNAP IV complex.
2 Q9LK40 (/IDA) Q9LK40 (/IDA)
RNA polymerase V complex GO:0000419
RNA polymerase V is a multisubunit RNA polymerase complex found in the nucleus of plants and involved in accumulation of siRNAs and in DNA methylation-dependent silencing of endogenous repeated sequences. Pol V is composed of subunits that are paralogous or identical to the 12 subunits of Pol II. Two large subunits comprise the most conserved portion including the catalytic site and share similarity with other eukaryotic and bacterial multisubunit RNA polymerases. The second largest subunit is also found in RNA polymerase IVa, while the largest subunit is found only in the IVa complex and contains an extended C-terminal domain (CTD) that includes multiple repeats of a 16 amino-acid consensus sequence as well as other sequences. The remainder of the complex is composed of smaller subunits.
2 Q9LK40 (/IDA) Q9LK40 (/IDA)
Nucleus GO:0005634
A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent.
2 Q9LK40 (/IDA) Q9LK40 (/IDA)
Nuclear heterochromatin GO:0005720
A condensed form of chromatin, occurring in the nucleus during interphase, that stains strongly with basophilic dyes. The DNA of heterochromatin is typically replicated at a later stage in the cell-division cycle than euchromatin.
2 Q9LK40 (/IDA) Q9LK40 (/IDA)
RNA polymerase IV complex GO:0000418
RNA polymerase IV is a multisubunit RNA polymerase complex found in the nucleus of plants and involved in accumulation of siRNAs and in DNA methylation-dependent silencing of endogenous repeated sequences. Pol IV is composed of subunits that are paralogous or identical to the 12 subunits of Pol II. The largest and second-largest subunits of Pol IV are the catalytic subunits and share similarity with the corresponding subunits of other eukaryotic and bacterial multisubunit RNA polymerases. The second largest subunit is also found in RNA polymerase V, while the largest subunit is found only in RNAP IV complex.
1 Q9LV32 (/ISS)
RNA polymerase V complex GO:0000419
RNA polymerase V is a multisubunit RNA polymerase complex found in the nucleus of plants and involved in accumulation of siRNAs and in DNA methylation-dependent silencing of endogenous repeated sequences. Pol V is composed of subunits that are paralogous or identical to the 12 subunits of Pol II. Two large subunits comprise the most conserved portion including the catalytic site and share similarity with other eukaryotic and bacterial multisubunit RNA polymerases. The second largest subunit is also found in RNA polymerase IVa, while the largest subunit is found only in the IVa complex and contains an extended C-terminal domain (CTD) that includes multiple repeats of a 16 amino-acid consensus sequence as well as other sequences. The remainder of the complex is composed of smaller subunits.
1 Q9LV32 (/ISS)
Nucleus GO:0005634
A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent.
1 Q9LV32 (/ISS)
Membrane GO:0016020
A lipid bilayer along with all the proteins and protein complexes embedded in it an attached to it.
1 Q9LV32 (/IDA)