The name of this superfamily has been modified since the most recent official CATH+ release (v4_3_0). At the point of the last release, this superfamily was named:


Functional Families

Overview of the Structural Clusters (SC) and Functional Families within this CATH Superfamily. Clusters with a representative structure are represented by a filled circle.
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FunFam 11: McKusick-Kaufman/Bardet-Biedl syndromes putative c...

Please note: GO annotations are assigned to the full protein sequence rather than individual protein domains. Since a given protein can contain multiple domains, it is possible that some of the annotations below come from additional domains that occur in the same protein, but have been classified elsewhere in CATH.

There are 4 GO terms relating to "molecular function"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
RNA polymerase II repressing transcription factor binding GO:0001103
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA polymerase II transcription repressing factor, a protein involved in negative regulation of transcription.
1 Q9NPJ1 (/IPI)
RNA polymerase II repressing transcription factor binding GO:0001103
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA polymerase II transcription repressing factor, a protein involved in negative regulation of transcription.
1 Q9JI70 (/ISO)
Protein binding GO:0005515
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
1 Q9NPJ1 (/IPI)
Unfolded protein binding GO:0051082
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an unfolded protein.
1 Q9NPJ1 (/TAS)

There are 51 GO terms relating to "biological process"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Cilium assembly GO:0060271
The assembly of a cilium, a specialized eukaryotic organelle that consists of a filiform extrusion of the cell surface. Each cilium is bounded by an extrusion of the cytoplasmic membrane, and contains a regular longitudinal array of microtubules, anchored basally in a centriole.
3 Q5R4T7 (/ISS) Q9JI70 (/ISS) Q9NPJ1 (/ISS)
Cilium assembly GO:0060271
The assembly of a cilium, a specialized eukaryotic organelle that consists of a filiform extrusion of the cell surface. Each cilium is bounded by an extrusion of the cytoplasmic membrane, and contains a regular longitudinal array of microtubules, anchored basally in a centriole.
2 Q9JI70 (/IMP) Q9NPJ1 (/IMP)
Heart looping GO:0001947
The tube morphogenesis process in which the primitive heart tube loops asymmetrically. This looping brings the primitive heart chambers into alignment preceding their future integration. Heart looping begins with dextral-looping and ends when the main regional divisions of the mature heart and primordium of the great arterial trunks become established preceeding septation.
1 Q9NPJ1 (/ISS)
Protein folding GO:0006457
The process of assisting in the covalent and noncovalent assembly of single chain polypeptides or multisubunit complexes into the correct tertiary structure.
1 Q9NPJ1 (/TAS)
Spermatid development GO:0007286
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of a spermatid over time, from its formation to the mature structure.
1 Q9JI70 (/IMP)
Spermatid development GO:0007286
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of a spermatid over time, from its formation to the mature structure.
1 Q9NPJ1 (/ISS)
Determination of left/right symmetry GO:0007368
The establishment of an organism's body plan or part of an organism with respect to the left and right halves. The pattern can either be symmetric, such that the halves are mirror images, or asymmetric where the pattern deviates from this symmetry.
1 Q9NPJ1 (/ISS)
Heart development GO:0007507
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the heart over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The heart is a hollow, muscular organ, which, by contracting rhythmically, keeps up the circulation of the blood.
1 Q9NPJ1 (/TAS)
Sensory perception of smell GO:0007608
The series of events required for an organism to receive an olfactory stimulus, convert it to a molecular signal, and recognize and characterize the signal. Olfaction involves the detection of chemical composition of an organism's ambient medium by chemoreceptors. This is a neurological process.
1 Q9JI70 (/IMP)
Sensory perception of smell GO:0007608
The series of events required for an organism to receive an olfactory stimulus, convert it to a molecular signal, and recognize and characterize the signal. Olfaction involves the detection of chemical composition of an organism's ambient medium by chemoreceptors. This is a neurological process.
1 Q9NPJ1 (/ISS)
Gonad development GO:0008406
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the gonad over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The gonad is an animal organ that produces gametes; in some species it also produces hormones.
1 Q9NPJ1 (/TAS)
Negative regulation of gene expression GO:0010629
Any process that decreases the frequency, rate or extent of gene expression. Gene expression is the process in which a gene's coding sequence is converted into a mature gene product or products (proteins or RNA). This includes the production of an RNA transcript as well as any processing to produce a mature RNA product or an mRNA or circRNA (for protein-coding genes) and the translation of that mRNA or circRNA into protein. Protein maturation is included when required to form an active form of a product from an inactive precursor form.
1 Q9JI70 (/IMP)
Artery smooth muscle contraction GO:0014824
A process in which force is generated within smooth muscle tissue, resulting in a change in muscle geometry. This process occurs in the artery. Force generation involves a chemo-mechanical energy conversion step that is carried out by the actin/myosin complex activity, which generates force through ATP hydrolysis. The artery is a vessel carrying blood away from the heart.
1 Q9JI70 (/IMP)
Striatum development GO:0021756
The progression of the striatum over time from its initial formation until its mature state. The striatum is a region of the forebrain consisting of the caudate nucleus, putamen and fundus striati.
1 Q9JI70 (/IMP)
Striatum development GO:0021756
The progression of the striatum over time from its initial formation until its mature state. The striatum is a region of the forebrain consisting of the caudate nucleus, putamen and fundus striati.
1 Q9NPJ1 (/ISS)
Hippocampus development GO:0021766
The progression of the hippocampus over time from its initial formation until its mature state.
1 Q9JI70 (/IMP)
Hippocampus development GO:0021766
The progression of the hippocampus over time from its initial formation until its mature state.
1 Q9NPJ1 (/ISS)
Cerebral cortex development GO:0021987
The progression of the cerebral cortex over time from its initial formation until its mature state. The cerebral cortex is the outer layered region of the telencephalon.
1 Q9JI70 (/IMP)
Cerebral cortex development GO:0021987
The progression of the cerebral cortex over time from its initial formation until its mature state. The cerebral cortex is the outer layered region of the telencephalon.
1 Q9NPJ1 (/ISS)
Negative regulation of actin filament polymerization GO:0030837
Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of actin polymerization.
1 Q9JI70 (/IMP)
Melanosome transport GO:0032402
The directed movement of melanosomes into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore.
1 Q9NPJ1 (/ISS)
Leptin-mediated signaling pathway GO:0033210
A series of molecular signals initiated by the binding of leptin to a receptor on the surface of a cell, and ending with regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription. Leptin is a hormone manufactured primarily in the adipocytes of white adipose tissue, and the level of circulating leptin is directly proportional to the total amount of fat in the body.
1 Q9JI70 (/IMP)
Negative regulation of GTPase activity GO:0034260
Any process that stops or reduces the rate of GTP hydrolysis by a GTPase.
1 Q9JI70 (/IMP)
Social behavior GO:0035176
Behavior directed towards society, or taking place between members of the same species. Occurs predominantly, or only, in individuals that are part of a group.
1 Q9JI70 (/IMP)
Social behavior GO:0035176
Behavior directed towards society, or taking place between members of the same species. Occurs predominantly, or only, in individuals that are part of a group.
1 Q9NPJ1 (/ISS)
Negative regulation of appetite by leptin-mediated signaling pathway GO:0038108
A series of molecular signals initiated by the binding of leptin to a receptor on the surface of a cell, which reduces appetite, the desire or physical craving for food.
1 Q9JI70 (/IMP)
Negative regulation of appetite by leptin-mediated signaling pathway GO:0038108
A series of molecular signals initiated by the binding of leptin to a receptor on the surface of a cell, which reduces appetite, the desire or physical craving for food.
1 Q9NPJ1 (/ISS)
Positive regulation of multicellular organism growth GO:0040018
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of growth of an organism to reach its usual body size.
1 Q9JI70 (/IMP)
Vasodilation GO:0042311
An increase in the internal diameter of blood vessels, especially arterioles or capillaries, due to relaxation of smooth muscle cells that line the vessels, and usually resulting in a decrease in blood pressure.
1 Q9JI70 (/IMP)
Response to leptin GO:0044321
Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a leptin stimulus. Leptin is a hormone manufactured primarily in the adipocytes of white adipose tissue, and the level of circulating leptin is directly proportional to the total amount of fat in the body. It plays a key role in regulating energy intake and energy expenditure, including appetite and metabolism].
1 Q9JI70 (/IMP)
Fat cell differentiation GO:0045444
The process in which a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of an adipocyte, an animal connective tissue cell specialized for the synthesis and storage of fat.
1 Q9JI70 (/IEP)
Fat cell differentiation GO:0045444
The process in which a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of an adipocyte, an animal connective tissue cell specialized for the synthesis and storage of fat.
1 Q9NPJ1 (/ISS)
Photoreceptor cell maintenance GO:0045494
Any process preventing the degeneration of the photoreceptor, a specialized cell type that is sensitive to light.
1 Q9JI70 (/IMP)
Photoreceptor cell maintenance GO:0045494
Any process preventing the degeneration of the photoreceptor, a specialized cell type that is sensitive to light.
1 Q9NPJ1 (/ISS)
Negative regulation of blood pressure GO:0045776
Any process in which the force of blood traveling through the circulatory system is decreased.
1 Q9JI70 (/IMP)
Intracellular transport GO:0046907
The directed movement of substances within a cell.
1 Q9NPJ1 (/ISS)
Brain morphogenesis GO:0048854
The process in which the anatomical structures of the brain are generated and organized. The brain is one of the two components of the central nervous system and is the center of thought and emotion. It is responsible for the coordination and control of bodily activities and the interpretation of information from the senses (sight, hearing, smell, etc.).
1 Q9JI70 (/IMP)
Brain morphogenesis GO:0048854
The process in which the anatomical structures of the brain are generated and organized. The brain is one of the two components of the central nervous system and is the center of thought and emotion. It is responsible for the coordination and control of bodily activities and the interpretation of information from the senses (sight, hearing, smell, etc.).
1 Q9NPJ1 (/ISS)
Detection of mechanical stimulus involved in sensory perception of sound GO:0050910
The series of events involved in the perception of sound vibration in which the vibration is received and converted into a molecular signal.
1 Q9JI70 (/IMP)
Detection of mechanical stimulus involved in sensory perception of sound GO:0050910
The series of events involved in the perception of sound vibration in which the vibration is received and converted into a molecular signal.
1 Q9NPJ1 (/ISS)
Chaperone-mediated protein complex assembly GO:0051131
The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a set of components to form a protein complex, mediated by chaperone molecules that do not form part of the finished complex.
1 Q9JI70 (/IMP)
Cartilage development GO:0051216
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of a cartilage element over time, from its formation to the mature structure. Cartilage elements are skeletal elements that consist of connective tissue dominated by extracellular matrix containing collagen type II and large amounts of proteoglycan, particularly chondroitin sulfate.
1 Q9JI70 (/IMP)
Regulation of stress fiber assembly GO:0051492
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the assembly of a stress fiber, a bundle of microfilaments and other proteins found in fibroblasts.
1 Q9JI70 (/IMP)
Pigment granule aggregation in cell center GO:0051877
The directed movement of dispersed pigment granules towards the center of the cell.
1 Q9NPJ1 (/ISS)
Convergent extension involved in gastrulation GO:0060027
The morphogenetic process in which an epithelium narrows along one axis and lengthens in a perpendicular axis usually resulting in the formation of the three primary germ layers, ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm.
1 Q9NPJ1 (/ISS)
Cilium assembly GO:0060271
The assembly of a cilium, a specialized eukaryotic organelle that consists of a filiform extrusion of the cell surface. Each cilium is bounded by an extrusion of the cytoplasmic membrane, and contains a regular longitudinal array of microtubules, anchored basally in a centriole.
1 Q9JI70 (/ISO)
Regulation of cilium beat frequency involved in ciliary motility GO:0060296
Any process that modulates the frequency of cilium beating involved in ciliary motility.
1 Q9JI70 (/IMP)
Regulation of cilium beat frequency involved in ciliary motility GO:0060296
Any process that modulates the frequency of cilium beating involved in ciliary motility.
1 Q9NPJ1 (/ISS)
Face development GO:0060324
The biological process whose specific outcome is the progression of a face from an initial condition to its mature state. The face is the ventral division of the head.
1 Q9JI70 (/IMP)
Non-motile cilium assembly GO:1905515
The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a set of components to form a non-motile cilium.
1 Q9JI70 (/IGI)
Non-motile cilium assembly GO:1905515
The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a set of components to form a non-motile cilium.
1 Q9JI70 (/IMP)

There are 13 GO terms relating to "cellular component"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Nucleus GO:0005634
A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent.
2 Q5R4T7 (/ISS) Q9JI70 (/ISS)
Cytoplasm GO:0005737
All of the contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures.
2 Q5R4T7 (/ISS) Q9JI70 (/ISS)
Intracellular GO:0005622
The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
1 Q9NPJ1 (/IDA)
Nucleus GO:0005634
A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent.
1 Q9NPJ1 (/IDA)
Nucleus GO:0005634
A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent.
1 Q9JI70 (/ISO)
Cytoplasm GO:0005737
All of the contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures.
1 Q9NPJ1 (/IDA)
Cytoplasm GO:0005737
All of the contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures.
1 Q9JI70 (/ISO)
Centrosome GO:0005813
A structure comprised of a core structure (in most organisms, a pair of centrioles) and peripheral material from which a microtubule-based structure, such as a spindle apparatus, is organized. Centrosomes occur close to the nucleus during interphase in many eukaryotic cells, though in animal cells it changes continually during the cell-division cycle.
1 Q9NPJ1 (/IDA)
Centrosome GO:0005813
A structure comprised of a core structure (in most organisms, a pair of centrioles) and peripheral material from which a microtubule-based structure, such as a spindle apparatus, is organized. Centrosomes occur close to the nucleus during interphase in many eukaryotic cells, though in animal cells it changes continually during the cell-division cycle.
1 Q9JI70 (/ISO)
Motile cilium GO:0031514
A cilium which may have a variable arrangement of axonemal microtubules and also contains molecular motors. It may beat with a whip-like pattern that promotes cell motility or transport of fluids and other cells across a cell surface, such as on epithelial cells that line the lumenal ducts of various tissues; or they may display a distinct twirling motion that directs fluid flow asymmetrically across the cellular surface to affect asymmetric body plan organization. Motile cilia can be found in single as well as multiple copies per cell.
1 Q9JI70 (/IMP)
Motile cilium GO:0031514
A cilium which may have a variable arrangement of axonemal microtubules and also contains molecular motors. It may beat with a whip-like pattern that promotes cell motility or transport of fluids and other cells across a cell surface, such as on epithelial cells that line the lumenal ducts of various tissues; or they may display a distinct twirling motion that directs fluid flow asymmetrically across the cellular surface to affect asymmetric body plan organization. Motile cilia can be found in single as well as multiple copies per cell.
1 Q9NPJ1 (/ISS)
Ciliary basal body GO:0036064
A membrane-tethered, short cylindrical array of microtubules and associated proteins found at the base of a eukaryotic cilium (also called flagellum) that is similar in structure to a centriole and derives from it. The cilium basal body is the site of assembly and remodelling of the cilium and serves as a nucleation site for axoneme growth. As well as anchoring the cilium, it is thought to provide a selective gateway regulating the entry of ciliary proteins and vesicles by intraflagellar transport.
1 Q9JI70 (/IDA)
Kinociliary basal body GO:1902636
A ciliary basal body that is part of a kinocilium.
1 Q9JI70 (/IDA)