The name of this superfamily has been modified since the most recent official CATH+ release (v4_3_0). At the point of the last release, this superfamily was named:

Phosphorylase Kinase; domain 1

Functional Families

Overview of the Structural Clusters (SC) and Functional Families within this CATH Superfamily. Clusters with a representative structure are represented by a filled circle.
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FunFam 310: serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek2

Please note: GO annotations are assigned to the full protein sequence rather than individual protein domains. Since a given protein can contain multiple domains, it is possible that some of the annotations below come from additional domains that occur in the same protein, but have been classified elsewhere in CATH.

There are 8 GO terms relating to "molecular function"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Protein kinase activity GO:0004672
Catalysis of the phosphorylation of an amino acid residue in a protein, usually according to the reaction: a protein + ATP = a phosphoprotein + ADP.
2 O35942 (/IDA) P51955 (/IDA)
Protein binding GO:0005515
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
2 O35942 (/IPI) P51955 (/IPI)
Protein kinase activity GO:0004672
Catalysis of the phosphorylation of an amino acid residue in a protein, usually according to the reaction: a protein + ATP = a phosphoprotein + ADP.
1 P51955 (/IMP)
Protein kinase activity GO:0004672
Catalysis of the phosphorylation of an amino acid residue in a protein, usually according to the reaction: a protein + ATP = a phosphoprotein + ADP.
1 O35942 (/ISO)
Protein kinase activity GO:0004672
Catalysis of the phosphorylation of an amino acid residue in a protein, usually according to the reaction: a protein + ATP = a phosphoprotein + ADP.
1 O35942 (/ISS)
Protein serine/threonine kinase activity GO:0004674
Catalysis of the reactions: ATP + protein serine = ADP + protein serine phosphate, and ATP + protein threonine = ADP + protein threonine phosphate.
1 P51955 (/TAS)
Protein phosphatase binding GO:0019903
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein phosphatase.
1 P51955 (/IPI)
Protein phosphatase binding GO:0019903
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein phosphatase.
1 O35942 (/ISO)

There are 39 GO terms relating to "biological process"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Protein phosphorylation GO:0006468
The process of introducing a phosphate group on to a protein.
2 O35942 (/IDA) P51955 (/IDA)
Mitotic sister chromatid segregation GO:0000070
The cell cycle process in which replicated homologous chromosomes are organized and then physically separated and apportioned to two sets during the mitotic cell cycle. Each replicated chromosome, composed of two sister chromatids, aligns at the cell equator, paired with its homologous partner. One homolog of each morphologic type goes into each of the resulting chromosome sets.
1 O35942 (/IMP)
G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle GO:0000086
The mitotic cell cycle transition by which a cell in G2 commits to M phase. The process begins when the kinase activity of M cyclin/CDK complex reaches a threshold high enough for the cell cycle to proceed. This is accomplished by activating a positive feedback loop that results in the accumulation of unphosphorylated and active M cyclin/CDK complex.
1 P51955 (/TAS)
Mitotic cell cycle GO:0000278
Progression through the phases of the mitotic cell cycle, the most common eukaryotic cell cycle, which canonically comprises four successive phases called G1, S, G2, and M and includes replication of the genome and the subsequent segregation of chromosomes into daughter cells. In some variant cell cycles nuclear replication or nuclear division may not be followed by cell division, or G1 and G2 phases may be absent.
1 P51955 (/TAS)
Blastocyst development GO:0001824
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the blastocyst over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The mammalian blastocyst is a hollow ball of cells containing two cell types, the inner cell mass and the trophectoderm.
1 O35942 (/IMP)
Protein phosphorylation GO:0006468
The process of introducing a phosphate group on to a protein.
1 P51955 (/IMP)
Protein phosphorylation GO:0006468
The process of introducing a phosphate group on to a protein.
1 O35942 (/ISO)
Chromosome segregation GO:0007059
The process in which genetic material, in the form of chromosomes, is organized into specific structures and then physically separated and apportioned to two or more sets. In eukaryotes, chromosome segregation begins with the condensation of chromosomes, includes chromosome separation, and ends when chromosomes have completed movement to the spindle poles.
1 P51955 (/IDA)
Chromosome segregation GO:0007059
The process in which genetic material, in the form of chromosomes, is organized into specific structures and then physically separated and apportioned to two or more sets. In eukaryotes, chromosome segregation begins with the condensation of chromosomes, includes chromosome separation, and ends when chromosomes have completed movement to the spindle poles.
1 O35942 (/IMP)
Chromosome segregation GO:0007059
The process in which genetic material, in the form of chromosomes, is organized into specific structures and then physically separated and apportioned to two or more sets. In eukaryotes, chromosome segregation begins with the condensation of chromosomes, includes chromosome separation, and ends when chromosomes have completed movement to the spindle poles.
1 O35942 (/ISO)
Regulation of mitotic nuclear division GO:0007088
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of mitosis.
1 P51955 (/TAS)
Regulation of G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle GO:0010389
Any signalling pathway that modulates the activity of a cell cycle cyclin-dependent protein kinase to modulate the switch from G2 phase to M phase of the mitotic cell cycle.
1 P51955 (/TAS)
Positive regulation of telomere maintenance via telomerase GO:0032212
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the addition of telomeric repeats by telomerase.
1 P51955 (/IMP)
Positive regulation of telomere maintenance via telomerase GO:0032212
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the addition of telomeric repeats by telomerase.
1 O35942 (/ISO)
Negative regulation of DNA binding GO:0043392
Any process that stops or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of DNA binding. DNA binding is any process in which a gene product interacts selectively with DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).
1 O35942 (/IDA)
Retinal rod cell development GO:0046548
Development of a rod cell, one of the sensory cells in the eye that reacts to the presence of light. Rod cells contain the photopigment rhodopsin or porphyropsin and are responsible for vision in dim light.
1 Q7ZUN2 (/IGI)
Retinal rod cell development GO:0046548
Development of a rod cell, one of the sensory cells in the eye that reacts to the presence of light. Rod cells contain the photopigment rhodopsin or porphyropsin and are responsible for vision in dim light.
1 Q7ZUN2 (/IMP)
Regulation of mitotic centrosome separation GO:0046602
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the separation of duplicated centrosome components at the beginning of mitosis.
1 P51955 (/IMP)
Regulation of mitotic centrosome separation GO:0046602
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the separation of duplicated centrosome components at the beginning of mitosis.
1 O35942 (/ISO)
Regulation of mitotic centrosome separation GO:0046602
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the separation of duplicated centrosome components at the beginning of mitosis.
1 O35942 (/ISS)
Regulation of mitotic centrosome separation GO:0046602
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the separation of duplicated centrosome components at the beginning of mitosis.
1 P51955 (/TAS)
Protein autophosphorylation GO:0046777
The phosphorylation by a protein of one or more of its own amino acid residues (cis-autophosphorylation), or residues on an identical protein (trans-autophosphorylation).
1 P51955 (/IDA)
Protein autophosphorylation GO:0046777
The phosphorylation by a protein of one or more of its own amino acid residues (cis-autophosphorylation), or residues on an identical protein (trans-autophosphorylation).
1 P51955 (/IMP)
Protein autophosphorylation GO:0046777
The phosphorylation by a protein of one or more of its own amino acid residues (cis-autophosphorylation), or residues on an identical protein (trans-autophosphorylation).
1 O35942 (/ISO)
Protein autophosphorylation GO:0046777
The phosphorylation by a protein of one or more of its own amino acid residues (cis-autophosphorylation), or residues on an identical protein (trans-autophosphorylation).
1 O35942 (/ISS)
Spindle assembly GO:0051225
The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a set of components to form the spindle, the array of microtubules and associated molecules that serves to move duplicated chromosomes apart.
1 P51955 (/TAS)
Centrosome separation GO:0051299
The process in which duplicated centrosome components move away from each other. The centriole pair within each centrosome becomes part of a separate microtubule organizing center that nucleates a radial array of microtubules called an aster. The two asters move to opposite sides of the nucleus to form the two poles of the mitotic spindle.
1 P51955 (/IDA)
Centrosome separation GO:0051299
The process in which duplicated centrosome components move away from each other. The centriole pair within each centrosome becomes part of a separate microtubule organizing center that nucleates a radial array of microtubules called an aster. The two asters move to opposite sides of the nucleus to form the two poles of the mitotic spindle.
1 O35942 (/ISO)
Positive regulation of telomerase activity GO:0051973
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of telomerase activity, the catalysis of the reaction: deoxynucleoside triphosphate + DNA(n) = diphosphate + DNA(n+1).
1 P51955 (/IMP)
Positive regulation of telomerase activity GO:0051973
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of telomerase activity, the catalysis of the reaction: deoxynucleoside triphosphate + DNA(n) = diphosphate + DNA(n+1).
1 O35942 (/ISO)
Regulation of attachment of spindle microtubules to kinetochore GO:0051988
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the attachment of spindle microtubules to the kinetochore.
1 P51955 (/IMP)
Regulation of attachment of spindle microtubules to kinetochore GO:0051988
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the attachment of spindle microtubules to the kinetochore.
1 O35942 (/ISO)
Regulation of attachment of spindle microtubules to kinetochore GO:0051988
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the attachment of spindle microtubules to the kinetochore.
1 O35942 (/ISS)
Mitotic spindle assembly GO:0090307
The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a set of components to form the spindle that contributes to the process of mitosis.
1 O35942 (/IMP)
Ciliary basal body-plasma membrane docking GO:0097711
The docking of a cytosolic centriole/basal body to the plasma membrane via the ciliary transition fibers. In some species this may happen via an intermediate step, by first docking to the ciliary vesicle via the ciliary transition fibers. The basal body-ciliary vesicle then relocates to the plasma membrane, followed by the ciliary vesicle fusing with the plasma membrane, effectively attaching the basal body to the plasma membrane.
1 P51955 (/TAS)
Negative regulation of centriole-centriole cohesion GO:1903126
Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of centriole-centriole cohesion.
1 P51955 (/IMP)
Negative regulation of centriole-centriole cohesion GO:1903126
Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of centriole-centriole cohesion.
1 O35942 (/ISO)
Positive regulation of telomere capping GO:1904355
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of telomere capping.
1 P51955 (/IMP)
Positive regulation of telomere capping GO:1904355
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of telomere capping.
1 O35942 (/ISO)

There are 14 GO terms relating to "cellular component"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Nucleoplasm GO:0005654
That part of the nuclear content other than the chromosomes or the nucleolus.
2 F6U4U2 (/IDA) P51955 (/IDA)
Centrosome GO:0005813
A structure comprised of a core structure (in most organisms, a pair of centrioles) and peripheral material from which a microtubule-based structure, such as a spindle apparatus, is organized. Centrosomes occur close to the nucleus during interphase in many eukaryotic cells, though in animal cells it changes continually during the cell-division cycle.
2 F6U4U2 (/IDA) P51955 (/IDA)
Kinetochore GO:0000776
A multisubunit complex that is located at the centromeric region of DNA and provides an attachment point for the spindle microtubules.
1 P51955 (/IDA)
Kinetochore GO:0000776
A multisubunit complex that is located at the centromeric region of DNA and provides an attachment point for the spindle microtubules.
1 O35942 (/ISO)
Condensed nuclear chromosome GO:0000794
A highly compacted molecule of DNA and associated proteins resulting in a cytologically distinct nuclear chromosome.
1 O35942 (/IDA)
Spindle pole GO:0000922
Either of the ends of a spindle, where spindle microtubules are organized; usually contains a microtubule organizing center and accessory molecules, spindle microtubules and astral microtubules.
1 O35942 (/IDA)
Nucleoplasm GO:0005654
That part of the nuclear content other than the chromosomes or the nucleolus.
1 O35942 (/ISO)
Centrosome GO:0005813
A structure comprised of a core structure (in most organisms, a pair of centrioles) and peripheral material from which a microtubule-based structure, such as a spindle apparatus, is organized. Centrosomes occur close to the nucleus during interphase in many eukaryotic cells, though in animal cells it changes continually during the cell-division cycle.
1 O35942 (/ISO)
Centrosome GO:0005813
A structure comprised of a core structure (in most organisms, a pair of centrioles) and peripheral material from which a microtubule-based structure, such as a spindle apparatus, is organized. Centrosomes occur close to the nucleus during interphase in many eukaryotic cells, though in animal cells it changes continually during the cell-division cycle.
1 O35942 (/ISS)
Centrosome GO:0005813
A structure comprised of a core structure (in most organisms, a pair of centrioles) and peripheral material from which a microtubule-based structure, such as a spindle apparatus, is organized. Centrosomes occur close to the nucleus during interphase in many eukaryotic cells, though in animal cells it changes continually during the cell-division cycle.
1 P51955 (/TAS)
Cytosol GO:0005829
The part of the cytoplasm that does not contain organelles but which does contain other particulate matter, such as protein complexes.
1 P51955 (/TAS)
Midbody GO:0030496
A thin cytoplasmic bridge formed between daughter cells at the end of cytokinesis. The midbody forms where the contractile ring constricts, and may persist for some time before finally breaking to complete cytokinesis.
1 O35942 (/IDA)
Protein-containing complex GO:0032991
A stable assembly of two or more macromolecules, i.e. proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates or lipids, in which at least one component is a protein and the constituent parts function together.
1 P51955 (/IMP)
Protein-containing complex GO:0032991
A stable assembly of two or more macromolecules, i.e. proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates or lipids, in which at least one component is a protein and the constituent parts function together.
1 O35942 (/ISO)