The name of this superfamily has been modified since the most recent official CATH+ release (v4_3_0). At the point of the last release, this superfamily was: waiting to be named.

Functional Families

Overview of the Structural Clusters (SC) and Functional Families within this CATH Superfamily. Clusters with a representative structure are represented by a filled circle.
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FunFam 59: Probable alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase B

Please note: GO annotations are assigned to the full protein sequence rather than individual protein domains. Since a given protein can contain multiple domains, it is possible that some of the annotations below come from additional domains that occur in the same protein, but have been classified elsewhere in CATH.

There are 2 GO terms relating to "molecular function"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase activity GO:0046556
Catalysis of the hydrolysis of terminal non-reducing alpha-L-arabinofuranoside residues in alpha-L-arabinosides.
9 A1CGD1 (/ISS) A2R511 (/ISS) A2R511 (/ISS) A2R511 (/ISS) A2R511 (/ISS) B8N7I7 (/ISS) Q0CEE5 (/ISS) Q4WL66 (/ISS) Q9C4B1 (/ISS)
Alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase activity GO:0046556
Catalysis of the hydrolysis of terminal non-reducing alpha-L-arabinofuranoside residues in alpha-L-arabinosides.
8 A2R511 (/IDA) A2R511 (/IDA) A2R511 (/IDA) A2R511 (/IDA) O74288 (/IDA) Q2UIM2 (/IDA) Q8NK89 (/IDA) Q8NK89 (/IDA)

There are 4 GO terms relating to "biological process"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Arabinose metabolic process GO:0019566
The chemical reactions and pathways involving arabinose, arabino-pentose. L-Arabinose occurs both free, for example in the heartwood of many conifers, and in the combined state, as a constituent of plant hemicelluloses, bacterial polysaccharides etc. D-arabinose is a constituent of arabinonucleosides.
9 A1CGD1 (/ISS) A2R511 (/ISS) A2R511 (/ISS) A2R511 (/ISS) A2R511 (/ISS) B8N7I7 (/ISS) Q0CEE5 (/ISS) Q4WL66 (/ISS) Q9C4B1 (/ISS)
Arabinose metabolic process GO:0019566
The chemical reactions and pathways involving arabinose, arabino-pentose. L-Arabinose occurs both free, for example in the heartwood of many conifers, and in the combined state, as a constituent of plant hemicelluloses, bacterial polysaccharides etc. D-arabinose is a constituent of arabinonucleosides.
4 O74288 (/IDA) Q2UIM2 (/IDA) Q8NK89 (/IDA) Q8NK89 (/IDA)
Arabinan metabolic process GO:0031221
The chemical reactions and pathways involving arabinan, a polysaccharide composed of arabinose residues.
4 A2R511 (/IC) A2R511 (/IC) A2R511 (/IC) A2R511 (/IC)
Pectin catabolic process GO:0045490
The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of pectin, a polymer containing a backbone of alpha-1,4-linked D-galacturonic acid residues.
1 O74288 (/IDA)

There are 2 GO terms relating to "cellular component"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Extracellular region GO:0005576
The space external to the outermost structure of a cell. For cells without external protective or external encapsulating structures this refers to space outside of the plasma membrane. This term covers the host cell environment outside an intracellular parasite.
10 A1CGD1 (/ISS) A2R511 (/ISS) A2R511 (/ISS) A2R511 (/ISS) A2R511 (/ISS) B8N7I7 (/ISS) O74288 (/ISS) Q0CEE5 (/ISS) Q4WL66 (/ISS) Q9C4B1 (/ISS)
Extracellular region GO:0005576
The space external to the outermost structure of a cell. For cells without external protective or external encapsulating structures this refers to space outside of the plasma membrane. This term covers the host cell environment outside an intracellular parasite.
3 Q2UIM2 (/IDA) Q8NK89 (/IDA) Q8NK89 (/IDA)