The name of this superfamily has been modified since the most recent official CATH+ release (v4_3_0). At the point of the last release, this superfamily was: waiting to be named.

Functional Families

Overview of the Structural Clusters (SC) and Functional Families within this CATH Superfamily. Clusters with a representative structure are represented by a filled circle.
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FunFam 7: Protein BIM1

Please note: GO annotations are assigned to the full protein sequence rather than individual protein domains. Since a given protein can contain multiple domains, it is possible that some of the annotations below come from additional domains that occur in the same protein, but have been classified elsewhere in CATH.

There are 6 GO terms relating to "molecular function"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Protein binding GO:0005515
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
7 P40013 (/IPI) P40013 (/IPI) P40013 (/IPI) P40013 (/IPI) P40013 (/IPI) P40013 (/IPI) Q10113 (/IPI)
Microtubule plus-end binding GO:0051010
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with the plus end of a microtubule.
7 P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) Q10113 (/IDA)
ATPase activator activity GO:0001671
Binds to and increases the ATP hydrolysis activity of an ATPase.
1 Q10113 (/IDA)
Microtubule binding GO:0008017
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with microtubules, filaments composed of tubulin monomers.
1 Q10113 (/IDA)
Cytoskeletal adaptor activity GO:0008093
The binding activity of a molecule that brings together a cytoskeletal protein and one or more other molecules, permitting them to function in a coordinated way.
1 Q10113 (/IMP)
Cytoskeletal adaptor activity GO:0008093
The binding activity of a molecule that brings together a cytoskeletal protein and one or more other molecules, permitting them to function in a coordinated way.
1 Q10113 (/IPI)

There are 23 GO terms relating to "biological process"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Microtubule depolymerization GO:0007019
The removal of tubulin heterodimers from one or both ends of a microtubule.
6 P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP)
Negative regulation of microtubule depolymerization GO:0007026
Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of microtubule depolymerization; prevention of depolymerization of a microtubule can result from binding by 'capping' at the plus end (e.g. by interaction with another cellular protein of structure) or by exposing microtubules to a stabilizing drug such as taxol.
6 P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP)
Mitotic sister chromatid cohesion GO:0007064
The cell cycle process in which the sister chromatids of a replicated chromosome are joined along the entire length of the chromosome, from their formation in S phase through metaphase during a mitotic cell cycle. This cohesion cycle is critical for high fidelity chromosome transmission.
6 P40013 (/IGI) P40013 (/IGI) P40013 (/IGI) P40013 (/IGI) P40013 (/IGI) P40013 (/IGI)
Mitotic sister chromatid cohesion GO:0007064
The cell cycle process in which the sister chromatids of a replicated chromosome are joined along the entire length of the chromosome, from their formation in S phase through metaphase during a mitotic cell cycle. This cohesion cycle is critical for high fidelity chromosome transmission.
6 P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP)
Nuclear migration along microtubule GO:0030473
The directed movement of the nucleus along microtubules within the cell, mediated by motor proteins.
6 P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP)
2-micrometer plasmid partitioning GO:0030543
The process in which copies of the 2-micrometer plasmid, found in fungi such as Saccharomyces, are distributed to daughter cells upon cell division.
6 P40013 (/IGI) P40013 (/IGI) P40013 (/IGI) P40013 (/IGI) P40013 (/IGI) P40013 (/IGI)
2-micrometer plasmid partitioning GO:0030543
The process in which copies of the 2-micrometer plasmid, found in fungi such as Saccharomyces, are distributed to daughter cells upon cell division.
6 P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP)
Positive regulation of microtubule polymerization GO:0031116
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of microtubule polymerization.
6 P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA)
Mitotic spindle orientation checkpoint GO:0031578
A cell cycle checkpoint that monitors and signals errors in the placement or orientation of the spindle in the cell. This delays the completion of anaphase until errors are corrected.
6 P40013 (/IGI) P40013 (/IGI) P40013 (/IGI) P40013 (/IGI) P40013 (/IGI) P40013 (/IGI)
Protein localization to microtubule plus-end GO:1904825
A process in which a protein is transported to, or maintained in, a location at a microtubule plus-end.
6 P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP) P40013 (/IMP)
Karyogamy involved in conjugation with cellular fusion GO:0000742
During sexual reproduction, the creation of a single nucleus from multiple nuclei as a result of fusing the lipid bilayers that surround each nuclei. This occurs after cytogamy.
1 Q10113 (/IMP)
Nuclear migration involved in conjugation with cellular fusion GO:0000743
The microtubule-based movement of nuclei towards one another as a prelude to karyogamy in organisms undergoing conjugation with cellular fusion.
1 Q10113 (/IMP)
Dynein-driven meiotic oscillatory nuclear movement GO:0030989
Oscillatory movement of the nucleus involved in meiosis I. This oscillatory movement is led by an astral microtubule array emanating from the spindle pole body, and driven by the microtubule motor cytoplasmic dynein.
1 Q10113 (/IMP)
Regulation of microtubule polymerization or depolymerization GO:0031110
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of microtubule polymerization or depolymerization by the addition or removal of tubulin heterodimers from a microtubule.
1 Q10113 (/IDA)
Cellular protein localization GO:0034613
Any process in which a protein is transported to, and/or maintained in, a specific location at the level of a cell. Localization at the cellular level encompasses movement within the cell, from within the cell to the cell surface, or from one location to another at the surface of a cell.
1 Q10113 (/IMP)
Protein localization to microtubule GO:0035372
A process in which a protein is transported to, or maintained at, a microtubule.
1 Q10113 (/IDA)
Protein localization to microtubule GO:0035372
A process in which a protein is transported to, or maintained at, a microtubule.
1 Q10113 (/IMP)
Attachment of mitotic spindle microtubules to kinetochore GO:0051315
The cell cycle process in which spindle microtubules become physically associated with the proteins making up the kinetochore complex as part of mitotic metaphase plate congression.
1 Q10113 (/IGI)
Attachment of mitotic spindle microtubules to kinetochore GO:0051315
The cell cycle process in which spindle microtubules become physically associated with the proteins making up the kinetochore complex as part of mitotic metaphase plate congression.
1 Q10113 (/IMP)
Establishment of bipolar cell polarity GO:0061171
The specification and formation of bipolar intracellular organization or cell growth patterns. Bipolar organization is the organization that is a mirror image along an axis from a plane.
1 Q10113 (/IGI)
Mitotic spindle assembly GO:0090307
The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a set of components to form the spindle that contributes to the process of mitosis.
1 Q10113 (/IMP)
Protein localization to microtubule plus-end GO:1904825
A process in which a protein is transported to, or maintained in, a location at a microtubule plus-end.
1 Q10113 (/IDA)
Gamma-tubulin complex localization to mitotic spindle pole body GO:1990735
Any process in which a gamma-tubulin complex is transported to, or maintained in, a specific location at a mitotic spindle pole body.
1 Q10113 (/IMP)

There are 14 GO terms relating to "cellular component"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Cytoplasmic microtubule GO:0005881
Any microtubule in the cytoplasm of a cell.
7 P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) Q10113 (/IDA)
Spindle pole GO:0000922
Either of the ends of a spindle, where spindle microtubules are organized; usually contains a microtubule organizing center and accessory molecules, spindle microtubules and astral microtubules.
6 P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA)
Spindle GO:0005819
The array of microtubules and associated molecules that forms between opposite poles of a eukaryotic cell during mitosis or meiosis and serves to move the duplicated chromosomes apart.
6 P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA)
Microtubule plus-end GO:0035371
The growing (plus) end of a microtubule. In vitro, microtubules polymerize more quickly at the plus end than at the minus end. In vivo, microtubule growth occurs only at the plus end, and the plus end switches between periods of growth and shortening, a behavior known as dynamic instability.
6 P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA)
Spindle midzone GO:0051233
The area in the center of the spindle where the spindle microtubules from opposite poles overlap.
6 P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA) P40013 (/IDA)
Astral microtubule GO:0000235
Any of the spindle microtubules that radiate in all directions from the spindle poles and are thought to contribute to the forces that separate the poles and position them in relation to the rest of the cell.
1 Q10113 (/IDA)
Nucleus GO:0005634
A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent.
1 Q10113 (/HDA)
Nuclear microtubule GO:0005880
Any microtubule in the nucleus of a cell.
1 Q10113 (/IDA)
Microtubule cytoskeleton GO:0015630
The part of the cytoskeleton (the internal framework of a cell) composed of microtubules and associated proteins.
1 Q10113 (/IDA)
Mitotic spindle pole body GO:0044732
The microtubule organizing center that forms as part of the mitotic cell cycle; functionally homologous to the animal cell centrosome.
1 Q10113 (/IDA)
Cell cortex of cell tip GO:0051285
The region directly beneath the plasma membrane at the cell tip. The cell tip is the region at either end of the longest axis of a cylindrical or elongated cell.
1 Q10113 (/IDA)
Cortical microtubule GO:0055028
Arrays of microtubules underlying and connected to the plasma membrane in the cortical cytosol.
1 Q10113 (/IDA)
Mitotic spindle astral microtubule GO:0061673
Any of the mitotic spindle microtubules that radiate in all directions from the spindle poles and are thought to contribute to the forces that separate the poles and position them in relation to the rest of the cell.
1 Q10113 (/IDA)
Mitotic spindle midzone GO:1990023
The area in the center of the anaphase spindle consisting of microtubules, microtubule bundling factors and kinesin motors where the spindle microtubules from opposite poles overlap in an antiparallel manner.
1 Q10113 (/IDA)