The name of this superfamily has been modified since the most recent official CATH+ release (v4_3_0). At the point of the last release, this superfamily was: waiting to be named.

Functional Families

Overview of the Structural Clusters (SC) and Functional Families within this CATH Superfamily. Clusters with a representative structure are represented by a filled circle.
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FunFam 25: Interleukin-2

Please note: GO annotations are assigned to the full protein sequence rather than individual protein domains. Since a given protein can contain multiple domains, it is possible that some of the annotations below come from additional domains that occur in the same protein, but have been classified elsewhere in CATH.

There are 16 GO terms relating to "molecular function"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Cytokine activity GO:0005125
Functions to control the survival, growth, differentiation and effector function of tissues and cells.
9 P04351 (/IDA) P17108 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) Q08867 (/IDA)
Interleukin-2 receptor binding GO:0005134
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with the interleukin-2 receptor.
8 P04351 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) Q08867 (/IDA)
Interleukin-2 receptor binding GO:0005134
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with the interleukin-2 receptor.
7 P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) Q13169 (/TAS)
Kinase activator activity GO:0019209
Binds to and increases the activity of a kinase, an enzyme which catalyzes of the transfer of a phosphate group, usually from ATP, to a substrate molecule.
7 P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) Q13169 (/TAS)
Protein binding GO:0005515
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
6 P60568 (/IPI) P60568 (/IPI) P60568 (/IPI) P60568 (/IPI) P60568 (/IPI) P60568 (/IPI)
Growth factor activity GO:0008083
The function that stimulates a cell to grow or proliferate. Most growth factors have other actions besides the induction of cell growth or proliferation.
6 P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS)
Cytokine activity GO:0005125
Functions to control the survival, growth, differentiation and effector function of tissues and cells.
2 P04351 (/IMP) Q08867 (/IMP)
Cytokine activity GO:0005125
Functions to control the survival, growth, differentiation and effector function of tissues and cells.
2 P04351 (/ISO) Q08867 (/ISO)
Interleukin-2 receptor binding GO:0005134
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with the interleukin-2 receptor.
2 P04351 (/ISO) Q08867 (/ISO)
Carbohydrate binding GO:0030246
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any carbohydrate, which includes monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides as well as substances derived from monosaccharides by reduction of the carbonyl group (alditols), by oxidation of one or more hydroxy groups to afford the corresponding aldehydes, ketones, or carboxylic acids, or by replacement of one or more hydroxy group(s) by a hydrogen atom. Cyclitols are generally not regarded as carbohydrates.
2 P04351 (/ISO) Q08867 (/ISO)
Kappa-type opioid receptor binding GO:0031851
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a kappa-type opioid receptor.
2 P04351 (/ISO) Q08867 (/ISO)
Glycosphingolipid binding GO:0043208
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with glycosphingolipid, a compound with residues of sphingoid and at least one monosaccharide.
2 P04351 (/ISO) Q08867 (/ISO)
Interleukin-2 receptor binding GO:0005134
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with the interleukin-2 receptor.
1 P17108 (/IMP)
Carbohydrate binding GO:0030246
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any carbohydrate, which includes monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides as well as substances derived from monosaccharides by reduction of the carbonyl group (alditols), by oxidation of one or more hydroxy groups to afford the corresponding aldehydes, ketones, or carboxylic acids, or by replacement of one or more hydroxy group(s) by a hydrogen atom. Cyclitols are generally not regarded as carbohydrates.
1 P17108 (/IDA)
Kappa-type opioid receptor binding GO:0031851
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a kappa-type opioid receptor.
1 P17108 (/IMP)
Glycosphingolipid binding GO:0043208
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with glycosphingolipid, a compound with residues of sphingoid and at least one monosaccharide.
1 P17108 (/IDA)

There are 59 GO terms relating to "biological process"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Positive regulation of activated T cell proliferation GO:0042104
Any process that activates or increases the rate or extent of activated T cell proliferation.
8 P04351 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) Q08867 (/IDA)
Positive regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of STAT protein GO:0042531
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the introduction of a phosphate group to a tyrosine residue of a STAT (Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription) protein.
8 P04351 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) Q08867 (/IDA)
Immune response GO:0006955
Any immune system process that functions in the calibrated response of an organism to a potential internal or invasive threat.
7 P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) Q13169 (/TAS)
Cell-cell signaling GO:0007267
Any process that mediates the transfer of information from one cell to another. This process includes signal transduction in the receiving cell and, where applicable, release of a ligand and any processes that actively facilitate its transport and presentation to the receiving cell. Examples include signaling via soluble ligands, via cell adhesion molecules and via gap junctions.
7 P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) Q13169 (/TAS)
Positive regulation of cell population proliferation GO:0008284
Any process that activates or increases the rate or extent of cell proliferation.
7 P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) Q13169 (/TAS)
Natural killer cell activation GO:0030101
The change in morphology and behavior of a natural killer cell in response to a cytokine, chemokine, cellular ligand, or soluble factor.
7 P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) Q13169 (/TAS)
T cell differentiation GO:0030217
The process in which a precursor cell type acquires characteristics of a more mature T-cell. A T cell is a type of lymphocyte whose definin characteristic is the expression of a T cell receptor complex.
7 P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) Q13169 (/TAS)
Positive regulation of cell growth GO:0030307
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, extent or direction of cell growth.
7 P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) Q13169 (/TAS)
Negative regulation of apoptotic process GO:0043066
Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of cell death by apoptotic process.
7 P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) Q13169 (/TAS)
MAPK cascade GO:0000165
An intracellular protein kinase cascade containing at least a MAPK, a MAPKK and a MAP3K. The cascade can also contain an additional tiers: the upstream MAP4K. The kinases in each tier phosphorylate and activate the kinase in the downstream tier to transmit a signal within a cell.
6 P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS)
Leukocyte activation involved in immune response GO:0002366
A change in morphology and behavior of a leukocyte resulting from exposure to a specific antigen, mitogen, cytokine, cellular ligand, or soluble factor, leading to the initiation or perpetuation of an immune response.
6 P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA)
Negative regulation of B cell apoptotic process GO:0002903
Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate, or extent of B cell apoptotic process.
6 P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA)
Cell adhesion GO:0007155
The attachment of a cell, either to another cell or to an underlying substrate such as the extracellular matrix, via cell adhesion molecules.
6 P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS)
Cytokine-mediated signaling pathway GO:0019221
A series of molecular signals initiated by the binding of a cytokine to a receptor on the surface of a cell, and ending with regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription.
6 P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS)
Positive regulation of B cell proliferation GO:0030890
Any process that activates or increases the rate or extent of B cell proliferation.
6 P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA)
Positive regulation of interleukin-17 production GO:0032740
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of production of any member of the interleukin-17 family of cytokines.
6 P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA) P60568 (/IDA)
Positive regulation of tissue remodeling GO:0034105
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of tissue remodeling.
6 P60568 (/IC) P60568 (/IC) P60568 (/IC) P60568 (/IC) P60568 (/IC) P60568 (/IC)
Interleukin-2-mediated signaling pathway GO:0038110
A series of molecular signals initiated by the binding of interleukin-2 to a receptor on the surface of a cell, and ending with regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription.
6 P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS)
Regulation of regulatory T cell differentiation GO:0045589
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of differentiation of regulatory T cells.
6 P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS)
Positive regulation of inflammatory response GO:0050729
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the inflammatory response.
6 P60568 (/IC) P60568 (/IC) P60568 (/IC) P60568 (/IC) P60568 (/IC) P60568 (/IC)
Positive regulation of T cell proliferation GO:0042102
Any process that activates or increases the rate or extent of T cell proliferation.
3 P04351 (/IDA) P17108 (/IDA) Q08867 (/IDA)
Negative regulation of protein phosphorylation GO:0001933
Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the rate of addition of phosphate groups to amino acids within a protein.
2 P04351 (/ISO) Q08867 (/ISO)
Positive regulation of protein phosphorylation GO:0001934
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of addition of phosphate groups to amino acids within a protein.
2 P04351 (/ISO) Q08867 (/ISO)
Leukocyte activation involved in immune response GO:0002366
A change in morphology and behavior of a leukocyte resulting from exposure to a specific antigen, mitogen, cytokine, cellular ligand, or soluble factor, leading to the initiation or perpetuation of an immune response.
2 P04351 (/ISO) Q08867 (/ISO)
Negative regulation of B cell apoptotic process GO:0002903
Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate, or extent of B cell apoptotic process.
2 P04351 (/ISO) Q08867 (/ISO)
G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway GO:0007186
A series of molecular signals that proceeds with an activated receptor promoting the exchange of GDP for GTP on the alpha-subunit of an associated heterotrimeric G-protein complex. The GTP-bound activated alpha-G-protein then dissociates from the beta- and gamma-subunits to further transmit the signal within the cell. The pathway begins with receptor-ligand interaction, or for basal GPCR signaling the pathway begins with the receptor activating its G protein in the absence of an agonist, and ends with regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription. The pathway can start from the plasma membrane, Golgi or nuclear membrane (PMID:24568158 and PMID:16902576).
2 P04351 (/ISO) Q08867 (/ISO)
Positive regulation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration GO:0007204
Any process that increases the concentration of calcium ions in the cytosol.
2 P04351 (/ISO) Q08867 (/ISO)
Protein kinase C-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway GO:0007205
The series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of a G protein-coupled receptor binding to its physiological ligand, where the pathway proceeds with activation of protein kinase C (PKC). PKC is activated by second messengers including diacylglycerol (DAG).
2 P04351 (/ISO) Q08867 (/ISO)
Positive regulation of B cell proliferation GO:0030890
Any process that activates or increases the rate or extent of B cell proliferation.
2 P04351 (/ISO) Q08867 (/ISO)
Positive regulation of interferon-gamma production GO:0032729
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of interferon-gamma production. Interferon-gamma is also known as type II interferon.
2 P04351 (/IDA) Q08867 (/IDA)
Positive regulation of interleukin-17 production GO:0032740
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of production of any member of the interleukin-17 family of cytokines.
2 P04351 (/ISO) Q08867 (/ISO)
Positive regulation of T cell proliferation GO:0042102
Any process that activates or increases the rate or extent of T cell proliferation.
2 P04351 (/IMP) Q08867 (/IMP)
Positive regulation of T cell proliferation GO:0042102
Any process that activates or increases the rate or extent of T cell proliferation.
2 P04351 (/ISO) Q08867 (/ISO)
Positive regulation of activated T cell proliferation GO:0042104
Any process that activates or increases the rate or extent of activated T cell proliferation.
2 P04351 (/IMP) Q08867 (/IMP)
Positive regulation of activated T cell proliferation GO:0042104
Any process that activates or increases the rate or extent of activated T cell proliferation.
2 P04351 (/ISO) Q08867 (/ISO)
Positive regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of STAT protein GO:0042531
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the introduction of a phosphate group to a tyrosine residue of a STAT (Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription) protein.
2 P04351 (/ISO) Q08867 (/ISO)
Response to ethanol GO:0045471
Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of an ethanol stimulus.
2 P04351 (/ISO) Q08867 (/ISO)
Positive regulation of T cell differentiation GO:0045582
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of T cell differentiation.
2 P04351 (/ISO) Q08867 (/ISO)
Positive regulation of regulatory T cell differentiation GO:0045591
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of differentiation of regulatory T cells.
2 P04351 (/ISO) Q08867 (/ISO)
Negative regulation of heart contraction GO:0045822
Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of heart contraction.
2 P04351 (/ISO) Q08867 (/ISO)
Positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II GO:0045944
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of transcription from an RNA polymerase II promoter.
2 P04351 (/IDA) Q08867 (/IDA)
Regulation of T cell homeostatic proliferation GO:0046013
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of resting T cell proliferation.
2 P04351 (/IMP) Q08867 (/IMP)
Positive regulation of isotype switching to IgG isotypes GO:0048304
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of isotype switching to IgG isotypes.
2 P04351 (/IMP) Q08867 (/IMP)
Negative regulation of lymphocyte proliferation GO:0050672
Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the rate or extent of lymphocyte proliferation.
2 P04351 (/IMP) Q08867 (/IMP)
Negative regulation of inflammatory response GO:0050728
Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the inflammatory response.
2 P04351 (/IMP) Q08867 (/IMP)
Positive regulation of immunoglobulin secretion GO:0051024
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the regulated release of immunoglobulins from a cell.
2 P04351 (/IMP) Q08867 (/IMP)
Positive regulation of dendritic spine development GO:0060999
Any process that increases the rate, frequency, or extent of dendritic spine development, the process whose specific outcome is the progression of the dendritic spine over time, from its formation to the mature structure.
2 P04351 (/ISO) Q08867 (/ISO)
Extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in absence of ligand GO:0097192
A series of molecular signals in which a signal is conveyed from the cell surface to trigger the apoptotic death of a cell. The pathway starts with withdrawal of a ligand from a cell surface receptor, and ends when the execution phase of apoptosis is triggered.
2 P04351 (/IDA) Q08867 (/IDA)
Negative regulation of protein phosphorylation GO:0001933
Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the rate of addition of phosphate groups to amino acids within a protein.
1 P17108 (/IDA)
Positive regulation of protein phosphorylation GO:0001934
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of addition of phosphate groups to amino acids within a protein.
1 P17108 (/IDA)
G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway GO:0007186
A series of molecular signals that proceeds with an activated receptor promoting the exchange of GDP for GTP on the alpha-subunit of an associated heterotrimeric G-protein complex. The GTP-bound activated alpha-G-protein then dissociates from the beta- and gamma-subunits to further transmit the signal within the cell. The pathway begins with receptor-ligand interaction, or for basal GPCR signaling the pathway begins with the receptor activating its G protein in the absence of an agonist, and ends with regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription. The pathway can start from the plasma membrane, Golgi or nuclear membrane (PMID:24568158 and PMID:16902576).
1 P17108 (/IMP)
Positive regulation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration GO:0007204
Any process that increases the concentration of calcium ions in the cytosol.
1 P17108 (/IDA)
Protein kinase C-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway GO:0007205
The series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of a G protein-coupled receptor binding to its physiological ligand, where the pathway proceeds with activation of protein kinase C (PKC). PKC is activated by second messengers including diacylglycerol (DAG).
1 P17108 (/IMP)
Response to ethanol GO:0045471
Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of an ethanol stimulus.
1 P17108 (/IDA)
Positive regulation of T cell differentiation GO:0045582
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of T cell differentiation.
1 P17108 (/IDA)
Positive regulation of regulatory T cell differentiation GO:0045591
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of differentiation of regulatory T cells.
1 P17108 (/IDA)
Negative regulation of heart contraction GO:0045822
Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of heart contraction.
1 P17108 (/IDA)
Positive regulation of dendritic spine development GO:0060999
Any process that increases the rate, frequency, or extent of dendritic spine development, the process whose specific outcome is the progression of the dendritic spine over time, from its formation to the mature structure.
1 P17108 (/IDA)
Negative regulation of T-helper 17 cell differentiation GO:2000320
Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of T-helper 17 cell differentiation.
1 P04351 (/IGI)

There are 4 GO terms relating to "cellular component"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Extracellular region GO:0005576
The space external to the outermost structure of a cell. For cells without external protective or external encapsulating structures this refers to space outside of the plasma membrane. This term covers the host cell environment outside an intracellular parasite.
7 P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) Q13169 (/TAS)
Extracellular space GO:0005615
That part of a multicellular organism outside the cells proper, usually taken to be outside the plasma membranes, and occupied by fluid.
6 P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS) P60568 (/TAS)
Extracellular space GO:0005615
That part of a multicellular organism outside the cells proper, usually taken to be outside the plasma membranes, and occupied by fluid.
3 P04351 (/IDA) P17108 (/IDA) Q08867 (/IDA)
Extracellular space GO:0005615
That part of a multicellular organism outside the cells proper, usually taken to be outside the plasma membranes, and occupied by fluid.
2 P04351 (/ISO) Q08867 (/ISO)