CATH Classification

Domain Context

CATH Clusters

Superfamily Luciferase; Domain 3
Functional Family Luciferin 4-monooxygenase

Enzyme Information
Firefly luciferase.
based on mapping to UniProt P08659
D-firefly luciferin + O(2) + ATP = firefly oxyluciferin + CO(2) + AMP + diphosphate + light.
-!- The enzyme, which is found in fireflies (Lampyridae), is responsible for their biolouminescence. -!- The reaction begins with the formation of an acid anhydride between the carboxylic group of D-firefly luciferin and AMP, with the release of diphosphate. -!- An oxygenation follows, with release of the AMP group and formation of a very short-lived peroxide that cyclizes into a dioxetanone structure, which collapses, releasing a CO(2) molecule. -!- The spontaneous breakdown of the dioxetanone (rather than the hydrolysis of the adenylate) releases the energy (about 50 kcal/mole) that is necessary to generate the excited state of oxyluciferin. -!- The excited luciferin then emits a photon, returning to its ground state. -!- The enzyme has a secondary acyl-CoA ligase activity when acting on L-firefly luciferin.

UniProtKB Entries (1)

Photinus pyralis
Luciferin 4-monooxygenase

PDB Structure

External Links
Primary Citation
Cloning of the Orange Light-Producing Luciferase from Photinus scintillans-A New Proposal on how Bioluminescence Color is Determined.
Branchini, B.R., Southworth, T.L., Fontaine, D.M., Murtiashaw, M.H., McGurk, A., Talukder, M.H., Qureshi, R., Yetil, D., Sundlov, J.A., Gulick, A.M.
Photochem. Photobiol.