CATH Classification

Domain Context

CATH Clusters

Superfamily Trypsin-like serine proteases
Functional Family Transmembrane serine protease 7

Enzyme Information
based on mapping to UniProt Q9Y5Y6
Cleaves various synthetic substrates with Arg or Lys at the P1 position and prefers small side-chain amino acids, such as Ala and Gly, at the P2 position.
-!- This trypsin-like integral-membrane serine peptidase has been implicated in breast cancer invasion and metastasis. -!- Can activate hepatocyte growth factor/scattering factor (HGF/SF) by cleavage of the two-chain form at an Arg residue to give active alpha- and beta-HGF, but it does not activate plasminogen, which shares high homology with HGF. -!- Can also activate urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA), which initiates the matrix-degrading peptidase cascade. -!- Belongs to peptidase family S1A.

UniProtKB Entries (1)

Homo sapiens
Suppressor of tumorigenicity 14 protein

PDB Structure

PDB 4O97
External Links
Primary Citation
Structure-guided discovery of 1,3,5 tri-substituted benzenes as potent and selective matriptase inhibitors exhibiting in vivo antitumor efficacy.
Goswami, R., Mukherjee, S., Ghadiyaram, C., Wohlfahrt, G., Sistla, R.K., Nagaraj, J., Satyam, L.K., Subbarao, K., Palakurthy, R.K., Gopinath, S., Krishnamurthy, N.R., Ikonen, T., Moilanen, A., Subramanya, H.S., Kallio, P., Ramachandra, M.