The room temperature crystal structure of a bacterial phytochrome determined by serial femtosecond crystallography.
Edlund, P., Takala, H., Claesson, E., Henry, L., Dods, R., Lehtivuori, H., Panman, M., Pande, K., White, T., Nakane, T., Berntsson, O., Gustavsson, E., Bath, P., Modi, V., Roy-Chowdhury, S., Zook, J., Berntsen, P., Pandey, S., Poudyal, I., Tenboer, J., Kupitz, C., Barty, A., Fromme, P., Koralek, J.D., Tanaka, T., Spence, J., Liang, M., Hunter, M.S., Boutet, S., Nango, E., Moffat, K., Groenhof, G., Ihalainen, J., Stojkovic, E.A., Schmidt, M., Westenhoff, S.
Sci Rep