CATH Classification

Domain Context

CATH Clusters

Superfamily Immunoglobulins
Functional Family If kappa light chain

Enzyme Information

UniProtKB Entries (0)

PDB Structure

PDB 4K23
External Links
Primary Citation
Identification of a New Epitope in uPAR as a Target for the Cancer Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibody ATN-658, a Structural Homolog of the uPAR Binding Integrin CD11b ( alpha M)
Xu, X., Cai, Y., Wei, Y., Donate, F., Juarez, J., Parry, G., Chen, L., Meehan, E.J., Ahn, R.W., Ugolkov, A., Dubrovskyi, O., O'halloran, T.V., Huang, M., Mazar, A.P.
Plos One