CATH Classification

Domain Context

CATH Clusters

Superfamily Ribonuclease A-like domain
Functional Family Ribonuclease pancreatic

Enzyme Information
Pancreatic ribonuclease.
based on mapping to UniProt P07998
(1) An (RNA) containing cytidine + H(2)O = an (RNA)-3'-cytidine- 3'-phosphate + a 5'-hydroxy-ribonucleotide-3'-(RNA). (2) An (RNA) containing uridine + H(2)O = an (RNA)-3'-uridine- 3'-phosphate + a 5'-hydroxy-ribonucleotide-3'-(RNA).
-!- Specifically cleaves at the 3'-side of pyrimidine (uracil or cytosine) phosphate bonds in RNA. -!- The reaction takes place in two steps, with the 2',3'-cyclic phosphodiester intermediates released from the enzyme at the completion of the first step. -!- Hydrolysis of these cyclic compounds occurs at a much slower rate through a reversal of the first step, in which the -OH group of water substitutes for the 2'-OH group of the ribose used in the first step, and does not take place until essentially all the susceptible 3',5'-phosphodiester bonds have been cyclised. -!- The enzyme can act as an endo- or exo ribonuclease. -!- Formerly EC, EC and EC

UniProtKB Entries (1)

Homo sapiens
Ribonuclease pancreatic

PDB Structure

External Links
Organism Escherichia
Primary Citation
'Crystal lattice engineering,' an approach to engineer protein crystal contacts by creating intermolecular symmetry: crystallization and structure determination of a mutant human RNase 1 with a hydrophobic interface of leucines
Yamada, H., Tamada, T., Kosaka, M., Miyata, K., Fujiki, S., Tano, M., Moriya, M., Yamanishi, M., Honjo, E., Tada, H., Ino, T., Yamaguchi, H., Futami, J., Seno, M., Nomoto, T., Hirata, T., Yoshimura, M., Kuroki, R.
Protein Sci.