Discovery of a Potent and Selective Oral Inhibitor of ERK1/2 (AZD0364) That Is Efficacious in Both Monotherapy and Combination Therapy in Models of Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC).
Ward, R.A., Anderton, M.J., Bethel, P., Breed, J., Cook, C., Davies, E.J., Dobson, A., Dong, Z., Fairley, G., Farrington, P., Feron, L., Flemington, V., Gibbons, F.D., Graham, M.A., Greenwood, R., Hanson, L., Hopcroft, P., Howells, R., Hudson, J., James, M., Jones, C.D., Jones, C.R., Li, Y., Lamont, S., Lewis, R., Lindsay, N., McCabe, J., McGuire, T., Rawlins, P., Roberts, K., Sandin, L., Simpson, I., Swallow, S., Tang, J., Tomkinson, G., Tonge, M., Wang, Z., Zhai, B.