PDB Information

Host OrganismDrosophila melanogaster
Gene SourceZaire ebolavirus
Primary Citation
Structures of Ebola virus GP and sGP in complex with therapeutic antibodies.
Pallesen, J., Murin, C.D., de Val, N., Cottrell, C.A., Hastie, K.M., Turner, H.L., Fusco, M.L., Flyak, A.I., Zeitlin, L., Crowe, J.E., Andersen, K.G., Saphire, E.O., Ward, A.B.
Nat Microbiol
HeaderViral Protein/Immune System
CATH Insert Date02 Oct, 2016

PDB Images (17)

PDB Prints

PDB Chains (16)

Chain ID Date inserted into CATH CATH Status
A 03 Oct, 2016 Rejected
B 03 Oct, 2016 Rejected
C 03 Oct, 2016 Rejected
D 03 Oct, 2016 Rejected
E 03 Oct, 2016 Rejected
F 03 Oct, 2016 Rejected
G 03 Oct, 2016 Rejected
H 03 Oct, 2016 Rejected
I 03 Oct, 2016 Rejected
J 03 Oct, 2016 Rejected
K 03 Oct, 2016 Rejected
M 03 Oct, 2016 Rejected
N 03 Oct, 2016 Rejected
O 03 Oct, 2016 Rejected
P 03 Oct, 2016 Rejected
Q 03 Oct, 2016 Rejected

CATH Domains (0)

Domain ID Date inserted into CATH Superfamily CATH Status

UniProtKB Entries (6)

Accession Gene ID Taxon Description
Q05320 VGP_EBOZM Ebola virus - Mayinga, Zaire, 1976 Envelope glycoprotein
Q05320 VGP_EBOZM Ebola virus - Mayinga, Zaire, 1976 Envelope glycoprotein
Q05320 VGP_EBOZM Ebola virus - Mayinga, Zaire, 1976 Envelope glycoprotein
Q05320 VGP_EBOZM Ebola virus - Mayinga, Zaire, 1976 Envelope glycoprotein
Q05320 VGP_EBOZM Ebola virus - Mayinga, Zaire, 1976 Envelope glycoprotein
Q05320 VGP_EBOZM Ebola virus - Mayinga, Zaire, 1976 Envelope glycoprotein