PDB Information

Host OrganismEscherichia coli
Gene SourceStreptomyces coelicolor
Primary Citation
Crystal Structures of the First Condensation Domain of CDA Synthetase Suggest Conformational Changes during the Synthetic Cycle of Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetases.
Bloudoff, K., Rodionov, D., Schmeing, T.M.
HeaderBiosynthetic Protein
CATH Insert Date07 Jul, 2013

PDB Images (7)

PDB Prints

PDB Chains (2)

Chain ID Date inserted into CATH CATH Status
A 08 Jul, 2013 Chopped
B 08 Jul, 2013 Chopped

CATH Domains (4)

Domain ID Date inserted into CATH Superfamily CATH Status
4jn5A01 27 Aug, 2013 3.30.559.10 Assigned
4jn5A02 27 Aug, 2013 3.30.559.30 Assigned
4jn5B01 27 Aug, 2013 3.30.559.10 Assigned
4jn5B02 27 Aug, 2013 3.30.559.30 Assigned

UniProtKB Entries (2)

Accession Gene ID Taxon Description
Q9Z4X6 Q9Z4X6_STRCO Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) CDA peptide synthetase I
Q9Z4X6 Q9Z4X6_STRCO Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) CDA peptide synthetase I