Aminopurine based JNK inhibitors for the prevention of ischemia reperfusion injury.
Krenitsky, V.P., Delgado, M., Nadolny, L., Sahasrabudhe, K., Ayala, L., Clareen, S.S., Hilgraf, R., Albers, R., Kois, A., Hughes, K., Wright, J., Nowakowski, J., Sudbeck, E., Ghosh, S., Bahmanyar, S., Chamberlain, P., Muir, J., Cathers, B.E., Giegel, D., Xu, L., Celeridad, M., Moghaddam, M., Khatsenko, O., Omholt, P., Katz, J., Pai, S., Fan, R., Tang, Y., Shirley, M.A., Benish, B., Blease, K., Raymon, H., Bhagwat, S., Henderson, I., Cole, A.G., Bennett, B., Satoh, Y.