PDB Information

Host OrganismRhodobacter capsulatus
Gene SourceStarkeya novella
Primary Citation
Diheme SoxAX proteins - insights into structure and function of the active site
Kilmartin, J., Maher, M.J., Krusong, K., Hanson, G.R., Bernhardt, P.V., Riley, M., Kappler, U.
To be Published
HeaderHeme-Binding Protein
CATH Insert Date22 May, 2011

PDB Images (11)

PDB Prints

PDB Chains (4)

Chain ID Date inserted into CATH CATH Status
A 23 May, 2011 Chopped
B 23 May, 2011 Chopped
C 23 May, 2011 Chopped
D 23 May, 2011 Chopped

CATH Domains (6)

Domain ID Date inserted into CATH Superfamily CATH Status
3ocdA01 01 Jul, 2013 1.10.760.10 Assigned
3ocdA02 01 Jul, 2013 1.10.760.10 Assigned
3ocdB00 11 Oct, 2013 1.10.760.10 Assigned
3ocdC01 01 Jul, 2013 1.10.760.10 Assigned
3ocdC02 01 Jul, 2013 1.10.760.10 Assigned
3ocdD00 11 Oct, 2013 1.10.760.10 Assigned

UniProtKB Entries (4)

Accession Gene ID Taxon Description
D7A6E5 SOXA_STAND Starkeya novella DSM 506 L-cysteine S-thiosulfotransferase subunit SoxA
Q7BQR5 Q7BQR5_STANO Starkeya novella SoxX
D7A6E5 SOXA_STAND Starkeya novella DSM 506 L-cysteine S-thiosulfotransferase subunit SoxA
Q7BQR5 Q7BQR5_STANO Starkeya novella SoxX