PDB Information

Host OrganismEscherichia coli
Gene SourceHelicobacter pylori
Primary Citation
Kinetic and structural characterization of DmpI from Helicobacter pylori and Archaeoglobus fulgidus, two 4-oxalocrotonate tautomerase family members.
Almrud, J.J., Dasgupta, R., Czerwinski, R.M., Kern, A.D., Hackert, M.L., Whitman, C.P.
CATH Insert Date05 Sep, 2010

PDB Images (13)

PDB Prints

PDB Chains (6)

Chain ID Date inserted into CATH CATH Status
A 06 Sep, 2010 Chopped
B 06 Sep, 2010 Chopped
C 06 Sep, 2010 Chopped
D 06 Sep, 2010 Chopped
E 06 Sep, 2010 Chopped
F 06 Sep, 2010 Chopped

CATH Domains (6)

Domain ID Date inserted into CATH Superfamily CATH Status
3m21A00 17 Mar, 2011 3.30.429.10 Assigned
3m21B00 17 Mar, 2011 3.30.429.10 Assigned
3m21C00 17 Mar, 2011 3.30.429.10 Assigned
3m21D00 17 Mar, 2011 3.30.429.10 Assigned
3m21E00 17 Mar, 2011 3.30.429.10 Assigned
3m21F00 17 Mar, 2011 3.30.429.10 Assigned

UniProtKB Entries (6)

Accession Gene ID Taxon Description
O25581 Y924_HELPY Helicobacter pylori 26695 Probable tautomerase HP_0924
O25581 Y924_HELPY Helicobacter pylori 26695 Probable tautomerase HP_0924
O25581 Y924_HELPY Helicobacter pylori 26695 Probable tautomerase HP_0924
O25581 Y924_HELPY Helicobacter pylori 26695 Probable tautomerase HP_0924
O25581 Y924_HELPY Helicobacter pylori 26695 Probable tautomerase HP_0924
O25581 Y924_HELPY Helicobacter pylori 26695 Probable tautomerase HP_0924