PDB Information

Host Organism
Gene Source
Primary Citation
Crystallographic conformers of actin in a biologically active bundle of filaments.
Cong, Y., Topf, M., Sali, A., Matsudaira, P., Dougherty, M., Chiu, W., Schmid, M.F.
HeaderContractile Protein/Structural Protein
CATH Insert Date20 Nov, 2008

PDB Images (15)

PDB Prints

PDB Chains (14)

Chain ID Date inserted into CATH CATH Status
A 20 Nov, 2008 Rejected
B 20 Nov, 2008 Rejected
C 20 Nov, 2008 Rejected
D 20 Nov, 2008 Rejected
E 20 Nov, 2008 Rejected
F 20 Nov, 2008 Rejected
G 20 Nov, 2008 Rejected
H 20 Nov, 2008 Rejected
I 20 Nov, 2008 Rejected
J 20 Nov, 2008 Rejected
K 20 Nov, 2008 Rejected
L 20 Nov, 2008 Rejected
M 20 Nov, 2008 Rejected
N 20 Nov, 2008 Rejected

CATH Domains (0)

Domain ID Date inserted into CATH Superfamily CATH Status

UniProtKB Entries (14)

Accession Gene ID Taxon Description
P41340 ACT3_LIMPO Limulus polyphemus Actin-3
P41340 ACT3_LIMPO Limulus polyphemus Actin-3
P41340 ACT3_LIMPO Limulus polyphemus Actin-3
P41340 ACT3_LIMPO Limulus polyphemus Actin-3
P41340 ACT3_LIMPO Limulus polyphemus Actin-3
P41340 ACT3_LIMPO Limulus polyphemus Actin-3
P41340 ACT3_LIMPO Limulus polyphemus Actin-3
P41340 ACT3_LIMPO Limulus polyphemus Actin-3
P41340 ACT3_LIMPO Limulus polyphemus Actin-3
P41340 ACT3_LIMPO Limulus polyphemus Actin-3
P41340 ACT3_LIMPO Limulus polyphemus Actin-3
P41340 ACT3_LIMPO Limulus polyphemus Actin-3
P41340 ACT3_LIMPO Limulus polyphemus Actin-3
P41340 ACT3_LIMPO Limulus polyphemus Actin-3