The name of this superfamily has been modified since the most recent official CATH+ release (v4_3_0). At the point of the last release, this superfamily was: waiting to be named.

Functional Families

Overview of the Structural Clusters (SC) and Functional Families within this CATH Superfamily. Clusters with a representative structure are represented by a filled circle.
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FunFam 2: Monopolin complex subunit CSM1

Please note: GO annotations are assigned to the full protein sequence rather than individual protein domains. Since a given protein can contain multiple domains, it is possible that some of the annotations below come from additional domains that occur in the same protein, but have been classified elsewhere in CATH.

There are 2 GO terms relating to "molecular function"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Protein binding GO:0005515
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
10 P25651 (/IPI) P25651 (/IPI) P25651 (/IPI) P25651 (/IPI) P25651 (/IPI) P25651 (/IPI) P25651 (/IPI) P25651 (/IPI) P25651 (/IPI) P25651 (/IPI)
Identical protein binding GO:0042802
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an identical protein or proteins.
10 P25651 (/IPI) P25651 (/IPI) P25651 (/IPI) P25651 (/IPI) P25651 (/IPI) P25651 (/IPI) P25651 (/IPI) P25651 (/IPI) P25651 (/IPI) P25651 (/IPI)

There are 6 GO terms relating to "biological process"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Protein localization to nucleolar rDNA repeats GO:0034503
Any process in which a protein is transported to, or maintained at, the rDNA repeats on a chromosome in the nucleolus.
10 P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP)
Meiotic chromosome segregation GO:0045132
The process in which genetic material, in the form of chromosomes, is organized into specific structures and then physically separated and apportioned to two or more sets during M phase of the meiotic cell cycle.
10 P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP)
Homologous chromosome segregation GO:0045143
The cell cycle process in which replicated homologous chromosomes are organized and then physically separated and apportioned to two sets during the first division of the meiotic cell cycle. Each replicated chromosome, composed of two sister chromatids, aligns at the cell equator, paired with its homologous partner; this pairing off, referred to as synapsis, permits genetic recombination. One homolog (both sister chromatids) of each morphologic type goes into each of the resulting chromosome sets.
10 P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP)
Homologous chromosome segregation GO:0045143
The cell cycle process in which replicated homologous chromosomes are organized and then physically separated and apportioned to two sets during the first division of the meiotic cell cycle. Each replicated chromosome, composed of two sister chromatids, aligns at the cell equator, paired with its homologous partner; this pairing off, referred to as synapsis, permits genetic recombination. One homolog (both sister chromatids) of each morphologic type goes into each of the resulting chromosome sets.
10 P25651 (/IPI) P25651 (/IPI) P25651 (/IPI) P25651 (/IPI) P25651 (/IPI) P25651 (/IPI) P25651 (/IPI) P25651 (/IPI) P25651 (/IPI) P25651 (/IPI)
Attachment of spindle microtubules to kinetochore involved in homologous chromosome segregation GO:0051455
The process in which spindle microtubules become physically associated with the proteins making up the kinetochore complex during meiosis I. During meiosis I sister kinetochores are lying next to each other facing the same spindle pole and monopolar attachment of the chromatid to the spindle occurs.
10 P25651 (/IGI) P25651 (/IGI) P25651 (/IGI) P25651 (/IGI) P25651 (/IGI) P25651 (/IGI) P25651 (/IGI) P25651 (/IGI) P25651 (/IGI) P25651 (/IGI)
RDNA condensation GO:0070550
The process in which the chromatin structure of the rDNA repeats is compacted. In S. cerevisiae, condensation and resolution of the rDNA occurs during anaphase.
10 P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP) P25651 (/IMP)

There are 3 GO terms relating to "cellular component"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Nuclear envelope GO:0005635
The double lipid bilayer enclosing the nucleus and separating its contents from the rest of the cytoplasm; includes the intermembrane space, a gap of width 20-40 nm (also called the perinuclear space).
10 P25651 (/IDA) P25651 (/IDA) P25651 (/IDA) P25651 (/IDA) P25651 (/IDA) P25651 (/IDA) P25651 (/IDA) P25651 (/IDA) P25651 (/IDA) P25651 (/IDA)
Nucleolus GO:0005730
A small, dense body one or more of which are present in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. It is rich in RNA and protein, is not bounded by a limiting membrane, and is not seen during mitosis. Its prime function is the transcription of the nucleolar DNA into 45S ribosomal-precursor RNA, the processing of this RNA into 5.8S, 18S, and 28S components of ribosomal RNA, and the association of these components with 5S RNA and proteins synthesized outside the nucleolus. This association results in the formation of ribonucleoprotein precursors; these pass into the cytoplasm and mature into the 40S and 60S subunits of the ribosome.
10 P25651 (/IDA) P25651 (/IDA) P25651 (/IDA) P25651 (/IDA) P25651 (/IDA) P25651 (/IDA) P25651 (/IDA) P25651 (/IDA) P25651 (/IDA) P25651 (/IDA)
Monopolin complex GO:0033551
A protein complex required for clamping microtubule binding sites, ensuring orientation of sister kinetochores to the same pole (mono-orientation) during meiosis I. In the yeast S. cerevisiae this complex consists of Csm1p, Lrs4p, Hrr25p and Mam1p; in S. pombe Psc1 and Mde4 have been identified as subunits.
10 P25651 (/IDA) P25651 (/IDA) P25651 (/IDA) P25651 (/IDA) P25651 (/IDA) P25651 (/IDA) P25651 (/IDA) P25651 (/IDA) P25651 (/IDA) P25651 (/IDA)