The name of this superfamily has been modified since the most recent official CATH+ release (v4_3_0). At the point of the last release, this superfamily was named:

Ubiquitin Conjugating Enzyme

Functional Families

Overview of the Structural Clusters (SC) and Functional Families within this CATH Superfamily. Clusters with a representative structure are represented by a filled circle.
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FunFam 7: Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 2

Please note: GO annotations are assigned to the full protein sequence rather than individual protein domains. Since a given protein can contain multiple domains, it is possible that some of the annotations below come from additional domains that occur in the same protein, but have been classified elsewhere in CATH.

There are 6 GO terms relating to "molecular function"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Protein binding GO:0005515
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
4 P06104 (/IPI) P06104 (/IPI) P06104 (/IPI) P23566 (/IPI)
Ubiquitin-protein transferase activity GO:0004842
Catalysis of the transfer of ubiquitin from one protein to another via the reaction X-Ub + Y --> Y-Ub + X, where both X-Ub and Y-Ub are covalent linkages.
3 P06104 (/IDA) P06104 (/IDA) P06104 (/IDA)
Proteasome binding GO:0070628
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a proteasome, a large multisubunit protein complex that catalyzes protein degradation.
3 P06104 (/IDA) P06104 (/IDA) P06104 (/IDA)
Ubiquitin-protein transferase activity GO:0004842
Catalysis of the transfer of ubiquitin from one protein to another via the reaction X-Ub + Y --> Y-Ub + X, where both X-Ub and Y-Ub are covalent linkages.
2 O74201 (/IGI) O74201 (/IGI)
Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme activity GO:0061631
Isoenergetic transfer of ubiquitin from one protein to another via the reaction X-ubiquitin + Y -> Y-ubiquitin + X, where both the X-ubiquitin and Y-ubiquitin linkages are thioester bonds between the C-terminal glycine of ubiquitin and a sulfhydryl side group of a cysteine residue.
1 P23566 (/IDA)
Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme activity GO:0061631
Isoenergetic transfer of ubiquitin from one protein to another via the reaction X-ubiquitin + Y -> Y-ubiquitin + X, where both the X-ubiquitin and Y-ubiquitin linkages are thioester bonds between the C-terminal glycine of ubiquitin and a sulfhydryl side group of a cysteine residue.
1 P23566 (/IMP)

There are 36 GO terms relating to "biological process"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Protein polyubiquitination GO:0000209
Addition of multiple ubiquitin groups to a protein, forming a ubiquitin chain.
3 P06104 (/IMP) P06104 (/IMP) P06104 (/IMP)
Telomere maintenance via recombination GO:0000722
Any recombinational process that contributes to the maintenance of proper telomeric length.
3 P06104 (/IGI) P06104 (/IGI) P06104 (/IGI)
Double-strand break repair via homologous recombination GO:0000724
The error-free repair of a double-strand break in DNA in which the broken DNA molecule is repaired using homologous sequences. A strand in the broken DNA searches for a homologous region in an intact chromosome to serve as the template for DNA synthesis. The restoration of two intact DNA molecules results in the exchange, reciprocal or nonreciprocal, of genetic material between the intact DNA molecule and the broken DNA molecule.
3 P06104 (/IGI) P06104 (/IGI) P06104 (/IGI)
Chromatin silencing at telomere GO:0006348
Repression of transcription of telomeric DNA by altering the structure of chromatin.
3 P06104 (/IMP) P06104 (/IMP) P06104 (/IMP)
DNA-templated transcription, termination GO:0006353
The cellular process that completes DNA-templated transcription; the formation of phosphodiester bonds ceases, the RNA-DNA hybrid dissociates, and RNA polymerase releases the DNA.
3 P06104 (/IMP) P06104 (/IMP) P06104 (/IMP)
Transcription by RNA polymerase II GO:0006366
The synthesis of RNA from a DNA template by RNA polymerase II (RNAP II), originating at an RNA polymerase II promoter. Includes transcription of messenger RNA (mRNA) and certain small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs).
3 P06104 (/IPI) P06104 (/IPI) P06104 (/IPI)
Ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process GO:0006511
The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of a protein or peptide by hydrolysis of its peptide bonds, initiated by the covalent attachment of a ubiquitin group, or multiple ubiquitin groups, to the protein.
3 P06104 (/IMP) P06104 (/IMP) P06104 (/IMP)
Ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process GO:0006511
The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of a protein or peptide by hydrolysis of its peptide bonds, initiated by the covalent attachment of a ubiquitin group, or multiple ubiquitin groups, to the protein.
3 P06104 (/IPI) P06104 (/IPI) P06104 (/IPI)
Protein monoubiquitination GO:0006513
Addition of a single ubiquitin group to a protein.
3 P06104 (/IMP) P06104 (/IMP) P06104 (/IMP)
Histone monoubiquitination GO:0010390
The modification of histones by addition of a single ubiquitin group.
3 P06104 (/IMP) P06104 (/IMP) P06104 (/IMP)
Ubiquitin-dependent ERAD pathway GO:0030433
The series of steps necessary to target endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-resident proteins for degradation by the cytoplasmic proteasome. Begins with recognition of the ER-resident protein, includes retrotranslocation (dislocation) of the protein from the ER to the cytosol, protein ubiquitination necessary for correct substrate transfer, transport of the protein to the proteasome, and ends with degradation of the protein by the cytoplasmic proteasome.
3 P06104 (/IGI) P06104 (/IGI) P06104 (/IGI)
Mitotic G1 DNA damage checkpoint GO:0031571
A mitotic cell cycle checkpoint that detects and negatively regulates progression through the G1/S transition of the cell cycle in response to DNA damage.
3 P06104 (/IMP) P06104 (/IMP) P06104 (/IMP)
Meiotic DNA double-strand break formation GO:0042138
The cell cycle process in which double-strand breaks are generated at defined hotspots throughout the genome during meiosis I. This results in the initiation of meiotic recombination.
3 P06104 (/IMP) P06104 (/IMP) P06104 (/IMP)
Error-free postreplication DNA repair GO:0042275
The conversion of DNA-damage induced single-stranded gaps into large molecular weight DNA via processes such as template switching, which does not remove the replication-blocking lesions but does not increase the endogenous mutation rate.
3 P06104 (/IGI) P06104 (/IGI) P06104 (/IGI)
Error-prone translesion synthesis GO:0042276
The conversion of DNA-damage induced single-stranded gaps into large molecular weight DNA after replication by using a specialized DNA polymerase or replication complex to insert a defined nucleotide across the lesion. This process does not remove the replication-blocking lesions and causes an increase in the endogenous mutation level. For example, in E. coli, a low fidelity DNA polymerase, pol V, copies lesions that block replication fork progress. This produces mutations specifically targeted to DNA template damage sites, but it can also produce mutations at undamaged sites.
3 P06104 (/IGI) P06104 (/IGI) P06104 (/IGI)
Protein K63-linked ubiquitination GO:0070534
A protein ubiquitination process in which a polymer of ubiquitin, formed by linkages between lysine residues at position 63 of the ubiquitin monomers, is added to a protein. K63-linked ubiquitination does not target the substrate protein for degradation, but is involved in several pathways, notably as a signal to promote error-free DNA postreplication repair.
3 P06104 (/IMP) P06104 (/IMP) P06104 (/IMP)
Error-free translesion synthesis GO:0070987
The conversion of DNA-damage induced single-stranded gaps into large molecular weight DNA after replication by using a specialized DNA polymerase or replication complex to insert a defined nucleotide across the lesion. This process does not remove the replication-blocking lesions but does not causes an increase in the endogenous mutation level. For S. cerevisiae, RAD30 encodes DNA polymerase eta, which incorporates two adenines. When incorporated across a thymine-thymine dimer, it does not increase the endogenous mutation level.
3 P06104 (/IGI) P06104 (/IGI) P06104 (/IGI)
Ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process via the N-end rule pathway GO:0071596
The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of a protein or peptide covalently tagged with ubiquitin, via the N-end rule pathway. In the N-end rule pathway, destabilizing N-terminal residues (N-degrons) in substrates are recognized by E3 ligases (N-recognins), whereupon the substrates are linked to ubiquitin and then delivered to the proteasome for degradation.
3 P06104 (/IMP) P06104 (/IMP) P06104 (/IMP)
Cytoplasm protein quality control by the ubiquitin-proteasome system GO:0071629
The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of misfolded proteins in the cytoplasm, which are targeted to cytoplasmic proteasomes for degradation.
3 P06104 (/IMP) P06104 (/IMP) P06104 (/IMP)
Regulation of dipeptide transport GO:0090089
Any process that modulates the rate, frequency or extent of dipeptide transport. Dipeptide transport is the directed movement of a dipeptide, a combination of two amino acids by means of a peptide (-CO-NH-) link, into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore.
3 P06104 (/IMP) P06104 (/IMP) P06104 (/IMP)
Stress-induced homeostatically regulated protein degradation pathway GO:0120174
A stress-inducible protein catabolic pathway that promotes protein quality control by accelerating the degradation of misfolded ER membrane and cytosolic proteins, as well as native proteins. The pathway starts with the activation, by stress, of the Nma111p/Ynm3p serine protease, which cleaves the stress-induced hydrophilin Roq1p, resulting in the generation of a Roq1p cleavage product that selectively interacts with Ubr1p, an E3 ubiquitin ligase. Interaction with the Ubr1p type-1 substrate binding site reprograms the substrate specificity of this ubiquitin ligase resulting in the selective proteasome-mediated degradation of misfolded and native proteins. The pathway ends with degradation of the protein by the cytoplasmic proteasome. Currently, NMA111, ROQ1, UBR1, RAD6, and CDC48 are considered to be involved in this quality control pathway.
3 P06104 (/IMP) P06104 (/IMP) P06104 (/IMP)
Cellular response to DNA damage stimulus GO:0006974
Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a stimulus indicating damage to its DNA from environmental insults or errors during metabolism.
2 O74201 (/IEP) O74201 (/IEP)
Filamentous growth GO:0030447
The process in which a multicellular organism, a unicellular organism or a group of unicellular organisms grow in a threadlike, filamentous shape.
2 O74201 (/IMP) O74201 (/IMP)
Cellular response to UV GO:0034644
Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of an ultraviolet radiation (UV light) stimulus. Ultraviolet radiation is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength in the range of 10 to 380 nanometers.
2 O74201 (/IEP) O74201 (/IEP)
Cellular response to UV GO:0034644
Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of an ultraviolet radiation (UV light) stimulus. Ultraviolet radiation is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength in the range of 10 to 380 nanometers.
2 O74201 (/IMP) O74201 (/IMP)
Chromatin organization GO:0006325
Any process that results in the specification, formation or maintenance of the physical structure of eukaryotic chromatin.
1 P23566 (/IMP)
Chromatin assembly GO:0031497
The assembly of DNA, histone proteins, other associated proteins, and sometimes RNA, into chromatin structure, beginning with the formation of the basic unit, the nucleosome, followed by organization of the nucleosomes into higher order structures, ultimately giving rise to a complex organization of specific domains within the nucleus.
1 P23566 (/IMP)
Negative regulation of chromatin silencing at telomere GO:0031939
Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of chromatin silencing at telomeres.
1 P23566 (/IMP)
Proteasome-mediated ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process GO:0043161
The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of a protein or peptide by hydrolysis of its peptide bonds, initiated by the covalent attachment of ubiquitin, and mediated by the proteasome.
1 P23566 (/IMP)
Regulation of histone H3-K4 methylation GO:0051569
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the covalent addition of a methyl group to the lysine at position 4 of histone H3.
1 P23566 (/IMP)
Negative regulation of chromatin silencing at silent mating-type cassette GO:0061186
Any process that decreases the frequency, rate, or extent of chromatin silencing at silent mating-type cassette. Chromatin silencing at silent mating-type cassette is the repression of transcription at silent mating-type loci by altering the structure of chromatin.
1 P23566 (/IMP)
Cellular response to hyperoxia GO:0071455
Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a stimulus indicating increased oxygen tension.
1 P23566 (/IMP)
Histone H2B conserved C-terminal lysine ubiquitination GO:0071894
A histone ubiquitination process in which a ubiquitin monomer is added to a conserved lysine residue in the C-terminus of histone H2B. The conserved lysine residue is K119 in fission yeast, K123 in budding yeast, or K120 in mammals.
1 P23566 (/IDA)
Histone H2B conserved C-terminal lysine ubiquitination GO:0071894
A histone ubiquitination process in which a ubiquitin monomer is added to a conserved lysine residue in the C-terminus of histone H2B. The conserved lysine residue is K119 in fission yeast, K123 in budding yeast, or K120 in mammals.
1 P23566 (/IMP)
Proteasome localization to nuclear periphery GO:1990920
Any process in which the proteasome is transported to, or maintained at the nuclear periphery.
1 P23566 (/IMP)
Negative regulation of SREBP signaling pathway GO:2000639
Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the SREBP signaling pathway.
1 P23566 (/IMP)

There are 10 GO terms relating to "cellular component"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Nucleus GO:0005634
A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent.
3 P06104 (/IDA) P06104 (/IDA) P06104 (/IDA)
Cytoplasm GO:0005737
All of the contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures.
3 P06104 (/IDA) P06104 (/IDA) P06104 (/IDA)
Rad6-Rad18 complex GO:0097505
A ubiquitin ligase complex found to be involved in post-replicative bypass of UV-damaged DNA and UV mutagenesis. In S. cerevisiae, the complex contains the ubiquitin conjugating enzyme Rad6 and Rad18, a protein containing a RING finger motif and a nucleotide binding motif. The yeast Rad6-Rad18 heterodimer has ubiquitin conjugating activity, binds single-stranded DNA, and possesses single-stranded DNA-dependent ATPase activity.
3 P06104 (/IDA) P06104 (/IDA) P06104 (/IDA)
UBR1-RAD6 ubiquitin ligase complex GO:1990303
A ubiquitin ligase complex consisting of UBR1 and RAD6 components. It polyubiquitinates proteins containing non-acetylated N-terminal residues causing their subsequent degradation by the proteasome as part of the Ac/N-End Rule pathway. It recognizes non-acetylated N-terminal methionine if it is followed by a hydrophobic residue. Additionally, it acts in an N-end rule independent manner as a component of a novel quality control pathway for proteins synthesized on cytosolic ribosomes.
3 P06104 (/IMP) P06104 (/IMP) P06104 (/IMP)
UBR1-RAD6 ubiquitin ligase complex GO:1990303
A ubiquitin ligase complex consisting of UBR1 and RAD6 components. It polyubiquitinates proteins containing non-acetylated N-terminal residues causing their subsequent degradation by the proteasome as part of the Ac/N-End Rule pathway. It recognizes non-acetylated N-terminal methionine if it is followed by a hydrophobic residue. Additionally, it acts in an N-end rule independent manner as a component of a novel quality control pathway for proteins synthesized on cytosolic ribosomes.
3 P06104 (/IPI) P06104 (/IPI) P06104 (/IPI)
MUB1-RAD6-UBR2 ubiquitin ligase complex GO:1990304
A ubiquitin ligase complex consisting of MUB1, RAD6 and UBR2 components. It ubiquitinates, and targets for destruction, the RPN4 transcription factor, which upregulates the proteasome genes. The binding of MUB1 may position the RPN4 ubiquitylation site proximal to the Ubiquitin-RAD6 thioester and allow the transfer of Ubiquitin from RAD6 to RPN4. One of its components, MUB1, is a short-lived protein ubiquitinated by the UBR2-RAD6 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme.
3 P06104 (/IPI) P06104 (/IPI) P06104 (/IPI)
Nuclear chromatin GO:0000790
The ordered and organized complex of DNA, protein, and sometimes RNA, that forms the chromosome in the nucleus.
1 P23566 (/NAS)
Nucleus GO:0005634
A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent.
1 P23566 (/HDA)
Cytosol GO:0005829
The part of the cytoplasm that does not contain organelles but which does contain other particulate matter, such as protein complexes.
1 P23566 (/HDA)
HULC complex GO:0033503
A ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme complex that contains two RING finger proteins, which have ubiquitin ligase activity, in addition to a protein with ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme activity; catalyzes the ubiquitination of histone H2B at lysine 119 (or the equivalent residue). In Schizosaccharomyces the subunits are Rhp1, Brl2/Rfp1 and Brl1/Rfp2.
1 P23566 (/IDA)