The name of this superfamily has been modified since the most recent official CATH+ release (v4_3_0). At the point of the last release, this superfamily was named:

cAMP-dependent protein kinase regulatory subunit, dimerization-anchoring domain

Functional Families

Overview of the Structural Clusters (SC) and Functional Families within this CATH Superfamily. Clusters with a representative structure are represented by a filled circle.
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FunFam 3: protein dpy-30 homolog

Please note: GO annotations are assigned to the full protein sequence rather than individual protein domains. Since a given protein can contain multiple domains, it is possible that some of the annotations below come from additional domains that occur in the same protein, but have been classified elsewhere in CATH.

There are 5 GO terms relating to "molecular function"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Protein binding GO:0005515
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
34 Q8K3E7 (/IPI) Q9C005 (/IPI) Q9C005 (/IPI) Q9C005 (/IPI) Q9C005 (/IPI) Q9C005 (/IPI) Q9C005 (/IPI) Q9C005 (/IPI) Q9C005 (/IPI) Q9C005 (/IPI)
(24 more)
Identical protein binding GO:0042802
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an identical protein or proteins.
33 Q9C005 (/IPI) Q9C005 (/IPI) Q9C005 (/IPI) Q9C005 (/IPI) Q9C005 (/IPI) Q9C005 (/IPI) Q9C005 (/IPI) Q9C005 (/IPI) Q9C005 (/IPI) Q9C005 (/IPI)
(23 more)
Protein homodimerization activity GO:0042803
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an identical protein to form a homodimer.
33 Q9C005 (/IPI) Q9C005 (/IPI) Q9C005 (/IPI) Q9C005 (/IPI) Q9C005 (/IPI) Q9C005 (/IPI) Q9C005 (/IPI) Q9C005 (/IPI) Q9C005 (/IPI) Q9C005 (/IPI)
(23 more)
Identical protein binding GO:0042802
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an identical protein or proteins.
2 Q99LT0 (/ISO) Q99LT0 (/ISO)
Protein homodimerization activity GO:0042803
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an identical protein to form a homodimer.
2 Q99LT0 (/ISO) Q99LT0 (/ISO)

There are 14 GO terms relating to "biological process"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Endosomal transport GO:0016197
The directed movement of substances mediated by an endosome, a membrane-bounded organelle that carries materials enclosed in the lumen or located in the endosomal membrane.
36 Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS)
(26 more)
Histone H3-K4 methylation GO:0051568
The modification of histone H3 by addition of one or more methyl groups to lysine at position 4 of the histone.
36 Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS)
(26 more)
Histone H3-K4 methylation GO:0051568
The modification of histone H3 by addition of one or more methyl groups to lysine at position 4 of the histone.
34 Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA)
(24 more)
Endosomal transport GO:0016197
The directed movement of substances mediated by an endosome, a membrane-bounded organelle that carries materials enclosed in the lumen or located in the endosomal membrane.
33 Q9C005 (/IMP) Q9C005 (/IMP) Q9C005 (/IMP) Q9C005 (/IMP) Q9C005 (/IMP) Q9C005 (/IMP) Q9C005 (/IMP) Q9C005 (/IMP) Q9C005 (/IMP) Q9C005 (/IMP)
(23 more)
Regulation of megakaryocyte differentiation GO:0045652
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of megakaryocyte differentiation.
33 Q9C005 (/TAS) Q9C005 (/TAS) Q9C005 (/TAS) Q9C005 (/TAS) Q9C005 (/TAS) Q9C005 (/TAS) Q9C005 (/TAS) Q9C005 (/TAS) Q9C005 (/TAS) Q9C005 (/TAS)
(23 more)
Endosomal transport GO:0016197
The directed movement of substances mediated by an endosome, a membrane-bounded organelle that carries materials enclosed in the lumen or located in the endosomal membrane.
2 Q99LT0 (/ISO) Q99LT0 (/ISO)
Histone H3-K4 methylation GO:0051568
The modification of histone H3 by addition of one or more methyl groups to lysine at position 4 of the histone.
2 Q99LT0 (/ISO) Q99LT0 (/ISO)
Flagellated sperm motility GO:0030317
Any process involved in the controlled movement of a flagellated sperm cell.
1 Q9VZJ1 (/IMP)
Embryonic hemopoiesis GO:0035162
The stages of blood cell formation that take place within the embryo.
1 B8JMZ3 (/IMP)
Locomotion GO:0040011
Self-propelled movement of a cell or organism from one location to another.
1 Q10661 (/IMP)
Regulation of multicellular organism growth GO:0040014
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of growth of the body of an organism so that it reaches its usual body size.
1 Q10661 (/IMP)
Dosage compensation by hypoactivation of X chromosome GO:0042464
Compensating for the two-fold variation in X:autosome chromosome ratios between sexes by an inactivation of a proportion of genes on both of the X chromosomes of the XX sex, leading to a decrease, of half, of the levels of gene expression from these chromosomes. An example of this process is found in Caenorhabditis elegans.
1 Q10661 (/IMP)
Nematode male tail tip morphogenesis GO:0045138
The process in which the anatomical structure of the adult male tail tip is generated and organized. In some species of rhabitid nematodes, the male tail tip undergoes a morphological change such that the most posterior hypodermal cells in the tail (hyp8-11 in C. elegans) fuse and retract anteriorly, changing the shape of the tail from a pointed, tapered cone, or spike, to a rounded, blunt dome.
1 Q10661 (/IMP)
Transdifferentiation GO:0060290
The conversion of a differentiated cell of one fate into a differentiated cell of another fate without first undergoing cell division or reversion to a more primitive or stem cell-like fate.
1 Q10661 (/IMP)

There are 20 GO terms relating to "cellular component"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Nucleus GO:0005634
A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent.
36 Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS)
(26 more)
Trans-Golgi network GO:0005802
The network of interconnected tubular and cisternal structures located within the Golgi apparatus on the side distal to the endoplasmic reticulum, from which secretory vesicles emerge. The trans-Golgi network is important in the later stages of protein secretion where it is thought to play a key role in the sorting and targeting of secreted proteins to the correct destination.
36 Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS)
(26 more)
Histone methyltransferase complex GO:0035097
A multimeric complex that is able to catalyze the addition of methyl groups to histone proteins.
36 Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS)
(26 more)
Set1C/COMPASS complex GO:0048188
A conserved protein complex that catalyzes methylation of histone H3. In Saccharomyces the complex contains Shg1p, Sdc1p, Swd1p, Swd2p, Swd3p, Spp1p, Bre2p, and the trithorax-related Set1p; in mammals it contains the catalytic subunit (SETD1A or SETD1B), WDR5, WDR82, RBBP5, ASH2L/ASH2, CXXC1/CFP1, HCFC1 and DPY30.
36 Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS) Q2NKU6 (/ISS)
(26 more)
Nucleus GO:0005634
A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent.
34 Q10661 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA)
(24 more)
MLL3/4 complex GO:0044666
A protein complex that can methylate lysine-4 of histone H3, and which contains either of the protein subunits MLL3 or MLL4 in mammals, or equivalent in other species.
34 Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA)
(24 more)
Set1C/COMPASS complex GO:0048188
A conserved protein complex that catalyzes methylation of histone H3. In Saccharomyces the complex contains Shg1p, Sdc1p, Swd1p, Swd2p, Swd3p, Spp1p, Bre2p, and the trithorax-related Set1p; in mammals it contains the catalytic subunit (SETD1A or SETD1B), WDR5, WDR82, RBBP5, ASH2L/ASH2, CXXC1/CFP1, HCFC1 and DPY30.
34 Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA)
(24 more)
Nucleoplasm GO:0005654
That part of the nuclear content other than the chromosomes or the nucleolus.
33 Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA)
(23 more)
Nucleoplasm GO:0005654
That part of the nuclear content other than the chromosomes or the nucleolus.
33 Q9C005 (/TAS) Q9C005 (/TAS) Q9C005 (/TAS) Q9C005 (/TAS) Q9C005 (/TAS) Q9C005 (/TAS) Q9C005 (/TAS) Q9C005 (/TAS) Q9C005 (/TAS) Q9C005 (/TAS)
(23 more)
Golgi apparatus GO:0005794
A compound membranous cytoplasmic organelle of eukaryotic cells, consisting of flattened, ribosome-free vesicles arranged in a more or less regular stack. The Golgi apparatus differs from the endoplasmic reticulum in often having slightly thicker membranes, appearing in sections as a characteristic shallow semicircle so that the convex side (cis or entry face) abuts the endoplasmic reticulum, secretory vesicles emerging from the concave side (trans or exit face). In vertebrate cells there is usually one such organelle, while in invertebrates and plants, where they are known usually as dictyosomes, there may be several scattered in the cytoplasm. The Golgi apparatus processes proteins produced on the ribosomes of the rough endoplasmic reticulum; such processing includes modification of the core oligosaccharides of glycoproteins, and the sorting and packaging of proteins for transport to a variety of cellular locations. Three different regions of the Golgi are now recognized both in terms of structure and function: cis, in the vicinity of the cis face, trans, in the vicinity of the trans face, and medial, lying between the cis and trans regions.
33 Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA)
(23 more)
Trans-Golgi network GO:0005802
The network of interconnected tubular and cisternal structures located within the Golgi apparatus on the side distal to the endoplasmic reticulum, from which secretory vesicles emerge. The trans-Golgi network is important in the later stages of protein secretion where it is thought to play a key role in the sorting and targeting of secreted proteins to the correct destination.
33 Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA)
(23 more)
Histone methyltransferase complex GO:0035097
A multimeric complex that is able to catalyze the addition of methyl groups to histone proteins.
33 Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA) Q9C005 (/IDA)
(23 more)
Nucleus GO:0005634
A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent.
2 Q99LT0 (/ISO) Q99LT0 (/ISO)
Nucleoplasm GO:0005654
That part of the nuclear content other than the chromosomes or the nucleolus.
2 Q99LT0 (/ISO) Q99LT0 (/ISO)
Golgi apparatus GO:0005794
A compound membranous cytoplasmic organelle of eukaryotic cells, consisting of flattened, ribosome-free vesicles arranged in a more or less regular stack. The Golgi apparatus differs from the endoplasmic reticulum in often having slightly thicker membranes, appearing in sections as a characteristic shallow semicircle so that the convex side (cis or entry face) abuts the endoplasmic reticulum, secretory vesicles emerging from the concave side (trans or exit face). In vertebrate cells there is usually one such organelle, while in invertebrates and plants, where they are known usually as dictyosomes, there may be several scattered in the cytoplasm. The Golgi apparatus processes proteins produced on the ribosomes of the rough endoplasmic reticulum; such processing includes modification of the core oligosaccharides of glycoproteins, and the sorting and packaging of proteins for transport to a variety of cellular locations. Three different regions of the Golgi are now recognized both in terms of structure and function: cis, in the vicinity of the cis face, trans, in the vicinity of the trans face, and medial, lying between the cis and trans regions.
2 Q99LT0 (/ISO) Q99LT0 (/ISO)
Trans-Golgi network GO:0005802
The network of interconnected tubular and cisternal structures located within the Golgi apparatus on the side distal to the endoplasmic reticulum, from which secretory vesicles emerge. The trans-Golgi network is important in the later stages of protein secretion where it is thought to play a key role in the sorting and targeting of secreted proteins to the correct destination.
2 Q99LT0 (/ISO) Q99LT0 (/ISO)
Histone methyltransferase complex GO:0035097
A multimeric complex that is able to catalyze the addition of methyl groups to histone proteins.
2 Q99LT0 (/ISO) Q99LT0 (/ISO)
MLL3/4 complex GO:0044666
A protein complex that can methylate lysine-4 of histone H3, and which contains either of the protein subunits MLL3 or MLL4 in mammals, or equivalent in other species.
2 Q99LT0 (/ISO) Q99LT0 (/ISO)
Set1C/COMPASS complex GO:0048188
A conserved protein complex that catalyzes methylation of histone H3. In Saccharomyces the complex contains Shg1p, Sdc1p, Swd1p, Swd2p, Swd3p, Spp1p, Bre2p, and the trithorax-related Set1p; in mammals it contains the catalytic subunit (SETD1A or SETD1B), WDR5, WDR82, RBBP5, ASH2L/ASH2, CXXC1/CFP1, HCFC1 and DPY30.
2 Q99LT0 (/ISO) Q99LT0 (/ISO)
MLL1/2 complex GO:0044665
A protein complex that can methylate lysine-4 of histone H3, and which contains either of the protein subunits MLL1 or MLL2 in human, or equivalent in other species.
1 Q9VKQ9 (/ISS)