The name of this superfamily has been modified since the most recent official CATH+ release (v4_3_0). At the point of the last release, this superfamily was named:

UbiA prenyltransferase

Functional Families

Overview of the Structural Clusters (SC) and Functional Families within this CATH Superfamily. Clusters with a representative structure are represented by a filled circle.
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FunFam 5: UbiA prenyltransferase domain-containing protein 1

Please note: GO annotations are assigned to the full protein sequence rather than individual protein domains. Since a given protein can contain multiple domains, it is possible that some of the annotations below come from additional domains that occur in the same protein, but have been classified elsewhere in CATH.

There are 10 GO terms relating to "molecular function"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Prenyltransferase activity GO:0004659
Catalysis of the transfer of a prenyl group from one compound (donor) to another (acceptor).
5 D2HKB0 (/ISS) D3ZG27 (/ISS) Q28HR4 (/ISS) Q5ZKS8 (/ISS) Q9DC60 (/ISS)
Antioxidant activity GO:0016209
Inhibition of the reactions brought about by dioxygen (O2) or peroxides. Usually the antioxidant is effective because it can itself be more easily oxidized than the substance protected. The term is often applied to components that can trap free radicals, thereby breaking the chain reaction that normally leads to extensive biological damage.
5 D2HKB0 (/ISS) D3ZG27 (/ISS) Q28HR4 (/ISS) Q5ZKS8 (/ISS) Q9DC60 (/ISS)
Prenyltransferase activity GO:0004659
Catalysis of the transfer of a prenyl group from one compound (donor) to another (acceptor).
4 E7FB98 (/IDA) Q9Y5Z9 (/IDA) Q9Y5Z9 (/IDA) Q9Y5Z9 (/IDA)
Antioxidant activity GO:0016209
Inhibition of the reactions brought about by dioxygen (O2) or peroxides. Usually the antioxidant is effective because it can itself be more easily oxidized than the substance protected. The term is often applied to components that can trap free radicals, thereby breaking the chain reaction that normally leads to extensive biological damage.
4 E7FB98 (/IMP) Q9Y5Z9 (/IMP) Q9Y5Z9 (/IMP) Q9Y5Z9 (/IMP)
Prenyltransferase activity GO:0004659
Catalysis of the transfer of a prenyl group from one compound (donor) to another (acceptor).
3 Q9Y5Z9 (/EXP) Q9Y5Z9 (/EXP) Q9Y5Z9 (/EXP)
Protein binding GO:0005515
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
3 Q9Y5Z9 (/IPI) Q9Y5Z9 (/IPI) Q9Y5Z9 (/IPI)
Nitric-oxide synthase activity GO:0004517
Catalysis of the reaction: L-arginine + n NADPH + n H+ + m O2 = citrulline + nitric oxide + n NADP+.
1 E7FB98 (/IGI)
Prenyltransferase activity GO:0004659
Catalysis of the transfer of a prenyl group from one compound (donor) to another (acceptor).
1 E7FB98 (/IMP)
Prenyltransferase activity GO:0004659
Catalysis of the transfer of a prenyl group from one compound (donor) to another (acceptor).
1 Q9DC60 (/ISO)
Antioxidant activity GO:0016209
Inhibition of the reactions brought about by dioxygen (O2) or peroxides. Usually the antioxidant is effective because it can itself be more easily oxidized than the substance protected. The term is often applied to components that can trap free radicals, thereby breaking the chain reaction that normally leads to extensive biological damage.
1 Q9DC60 (/ISO)

There are 22 GO terms relating to "biological process"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Endothelial cell development GO:0001885
The progression of an endothelial cell over time, from its formation to the mature structure.
5 D2HKB0 (/ISS) D3ZG27 (/ISS) Q28HR4 (/ISS) Q5ZKS8 (/ISS) Q9DC60 (/ISS)
Ubiquinone biosynthetic process GO:0006744
The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of ubiquinone, a lipid-soluble electron-transporting coenzyme.
5 D2HKB0 (/ISS) D3ZG27 (/ISS) Q28HR4 (/ISS) Q5ZKS8 (/ISS) Q9DC60 (/ISS)
Menaquinone biosynthetic process GO:0009234
The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of any of the menaquinones. Structurally, menaquinones consist of a methylated naphthoquinone ring structure and side chains composed of a variable number of unsaturated isoprenoid residues. Menaquinones that have vitamin K activity and are known as vitamin K2.
5 E7FB98 (/IMP) Q9V3R8 (/IMP) Q9Y5Z9 (/IMP) Q9Y5Z9 (/IMP) Q9Y5Z9 (/IMP)
Menaquinone biosynthetic process GO:0009234
The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of any of the menaquinones. Structurally, menaquinones consist of a methylated naphthoquinone ring structure and side chains composed of a variable number of unsaturated isoprenoid residues. Menaquinones that have vitamin K activity and are known as vitamin K2.
5 D2HKB0 (/ISS) D3ZG27 (/ISS) Q28HR4 (/ISS) Q5ZKS8 (/ISS) Q9DC60 (/ISS)
Vitamin K biosynthetic process GO:0042371
The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of any of the forms of vitamin K, quinone-derived vitamins which are involved in the synthesis of blood-clotting factors in mammals.
5 D2HKB0 (/ISS) D3ZG27 (/ISS) Q28HR4 (/ISS) Q5ZKS8 (/ISS) Q9DC60 (/ISS)
Cardiovascular system development GO:0072358
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the cardiovascular system over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The cardiovascular system is the anatomical system that has as its parts the heart and blood vessels.
5 D2HKB0 (/ISS) D3ZG27 (/ISS) Q28HR4 (/ISS) Q5ZKS8 (/ISS) Q9DC60 (/ISS)
Ubiquinone biosynthetic process GO:0006744
The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of ubiquinone, a lipid-soluble electron-transporting coenzyme.
4 E7FB98 (/IMP) Q9Y5Z9 (/IMP) Q9Y5Z9 (/IMP) Q9Y5Z9 (/IMP)
Vitamin K biosynthetic process GO:0042371
The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of any of the forms of vitamin K, quinone-derived vitamins which are involved in the synthesis of blood-clotting factors in mammals.
4 E7FB98 (/IMP) Q9Y5Z9 (/IMP) Q9Y5Z9 (/IMP) Q9Y5Z9 (/IMP)
Vitamin K biosynthetic process GO:0042371
The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of any of the forms of vitamin K, quinone-derived vitamins which are involved in the synthesis of blood-clotting factors in mammals.
3 Q9Y5Z9 (/IDA) Q9Y5Z9 (/IDA) Q9Y5Z9 (/IDA)
Vitamin K metabolic process GO:0042373
The chemical reactions and pathways involving any of the forms of vitamin K, quinone-derived vitamins which are involved in the synthesis of blood-clotting factors in mammals. Vitamin K substances share a methylated naphthoquinone ring structure and vary in the aliphatic side chains attached to the molecule.
3 Q9Y5Z9 (/TAS) Q9Y5Z9 (/TAS) Q9Y5Z9 (/TAS)
Endothelial cell development GO:0001885
The progression of an endothelial cell over time, from its formation to the mature structure.
1 E7FB98 (/IMP)
Ubiquinone biosynthetic process GO:0006744
The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of ubiquinone, a lipid-soluble electron-transporting coenzyme.
1 Q9DC60 (/ISO)
Menaquinone biosynthetic process GO:0009234
The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of any of the menaquinones. Structurally, menaquinones consist of a methylated naphthoquinone ring structure and side chains composed of a variable number of unsaturated isoprenoid residues. Menaquinones that have vitamin K activity and are known as vitamin K2.
1 Q9DC60 (/ISO)
Ubiquinone biosynthetic process via 3,4-dihydroxy-5-polyprenylbenzoate GO:0032194
The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of ubiquinone, via the intermediates 3,4-dihydroxy-5-polyprenylbenzoate and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxy-5-polyprenylbenzoate.
1 E7FB98 (/IMP)
Larval lymph gland hemopoiesis GO:0035167
The production of blood cells from the larval lymph gland. The lymph gland consists of three to six bilaterally paired lobes that are attached to the cardioblasts during larval stages, and it degenerates during pupal stages.
1 Q9V3R8 (/IMP)
Negative regulation of lamellocyte differentiation GO:0035204
Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of lamellocyte differentiation. Lamellocytes differentiate massively in the lymph glands after parasitization and are large flat cells devoted to encapsulation of invaders too large to be phagocytosed by plasmatocytes.
1 Q9V3R8 (/IMP)
Negative regulation of hemocyte proliferation GO:0035207
Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the rate or extent of hemocyte proliferation. Hemocytes are blood cells associated with a hemocoel (the cavity containing most of the major organs of the arthropod body) which are involved in defense and clotting of hemolymph, but not involved in transport of oxygen. An example of this is found in Drosophila melanogaster.
1 Q9V3R8 (/IMP)
Vitamin K biosynthetic process GO:0042371
The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of any of the forms of vitamin K, quinone-derived vitamins which are involved in the synthesis of blood-clotting factors in mammals.
1 Q9DC60 (/ISO)
Negative regulation of hemocyte differentiation GO:0045611
Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of hemocyte differentiation.
1 Q9V3R8 (/IMP)
Mitochondrion morphogenesis GO:0070584
The process in which the anatomical structures of a mitochondrion are generated and organized.
1 Q9V3R8 (/IMP)
Cellular response to fluid shear stress GO:0071498
Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a fluid shear stress stimulus. Fluid shear stress is the force acting on an object in a system where the fluid is moving across a solid surface.
1 E7FB98 (/IGI)
Cardiovascular system development GO:0072358
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the cardiovascular system over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The cardiovascular system is the anatomical system that has as its parts the heart and blood vessels.
1 E7FB98 (/IMP)

There are 16 GO terms relating to "cellular component"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Endoplasmic reticulum GO:0005783
The irregular network of unit membranes, visible only by electron microscopy, that occurs in the cytoplasm of many eukaryotic cells. The membranes form a complex meshwork of tubular channels, which are often expanded into slitlike cavities called cisternae. The ER takes two forms, rough (or granular), with ribosomes adhering to the outer surface, and smooth (with no ribosomes attached).
5 D2HKB0 (/ISS) D3ZG27 (/ISS) Q28HR4 (/ISS) Q5ZKS8 (/ISS) Q9DC60 (/ISS)
Integral component of Golgi membrane GO:0030173
The component of the Golgi membrane consisting of the gene products and protein complexes having at least some part of their peptide sequence embedded in the hydrophobic region of the membrane.
5 D2HKB0 (/ISS) D3ZG27 (/ISS) Q28HR4 (/ISS) Q5ZKS8 (/ISS) Q9DC60 (/ISS)
Endoplasmic reticulum GO:0005783
The irregular network of unit membranes, visible only by electron microscopy, that occurs in the cytoplasm of many eukaryotic cells. The membranes form a complex meshwork of tubular channels, which are often expanded into slitlike cavities called cisternae. The ER takes two forms, rough (or granular), with ribosomes adhering to the outer surface, and smooth (with no ribosomes attached).
4 Q9V3R8 (/IDA) Q9Y5Z9 (/IDA) Q9Y5Z9 (/IDA) Q9Y5Z9 (/IDA)
Integral component of Golgi membrane GO:0030173
The component of the Golgi membrane consisting of the gene products and protein complexes having at least some part of their peptide sequence embedded in the hydrophobic region of the membrane.
4 E7FB98 (/IDA) Q9Y5Z9 (/IDA) Q9Y5Z9 (/IDA) Q9Y5Z9 (/IDA)
Nucleus GO:0005634
A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent.
3 Q9Y5Z9 (/IDA) Q9Y5Z9 (/IDA) Q9Y5Z9 (/IDA)
Cytoplasm GO:0005737
All of the contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures.
3 Q9Y5Z9 (/IDA) Q9Y5Z9 (/IDA) Q9Y5Z9 (/IDA)
Endoplasmic reticulum membrane GO:0005789
The lipid bilayer surrounding the endoplasmic reticulum.
3 Q9Y5Z9 (/TAS) Q9Y5Z9 (/TAS) Q9Y5Z9 (/TAS)
Membrane GO:0016020
A lipid bilayer along with all the proteins and protein complexes embedded in it an attached to it.
3 Q9Y5Z9 (/IDA) Q9Y5Z9 (/IDA) Q9Y5Z9 (/IDA)
Nucleus GO:0005634
A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent.
1 Q9DC60 (/ISO)
Cytoplasm GO:0005737
All of the contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures.
1 Q9DC60 (/ISO)
Mitochondrion GO:0005739
A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
1 Q9V3R8 (/IDA)
Endoplasmic reticulum GO:0005783
The irregular network of unit membranes, visible only by electron microscopy, that occurs in the cytoplasm of many eukaryotic cells. The membranes form a complex meshwork of tubular channels, which are often expanded into slitlike cavities called cisternae. The ER takes two forms, rough (or granular), with ribosomes adhering to the outer surface, and smooth (with no ribosomes attached).
1 Q9DC60 (/ISO)
Golgi apparatus GO:0005794
A compound membranous cytoplasmic organelle of eukaryotic cells, consisting of flattened, ribosome-free vesicles arranged in a more or less regular stack. The Golgi apparatus differs from the endoplasmic reticulum in often having slightly thicker membranes, appearing in sections as a characteristic shallow semicircle so that the convex side (cis or entry face) abuts the endoplasmic reticulum, secretory vesicles emerging from the concave side (trans or exit face). In vertebrate cells there is usually one such organelle, while in invertebrates and plants, where they are known usually as dictyosomes, there may be several scattered in the cytoplasm. The Golgi apparatus processes proteins produced on the ribosomes of the rough endoplasmic reticulum; such processing includes modification of the core oligosaccharides of glycoproteins, and the sorting and packaging of proteins for transport to a variety of cellular locations. Three different regions of the Golgi are now recognized both in terms of structure and function: cis, in the vicinity of the cis face, trans, in the vicinity of the trans face, and medial, lying between the cis and trans regions.
1 E7FB98 (/IDA)
Membrane GO:0016020
A lipid bilayer along with all the proteins and protein complexes embedded in it an attached to it.
1 Q9DC60 (/ISO)
Membrane GO:0016020
A lipid bilayer along with all the proteins and protein complexes embedded in it an attached to it.
1 Q9V3R8 (/ISS)
Integral component of Golgi membrane GO:0030173
The component of the Golgi membrane consisting of the gene products and protein complexes having at least some part of their peptide sequence embedded in the hydrophobic region of the membrane.
1 Q9DC60 (/ISO)