The name of this superfamily has been modified since the most recent official CATH+ release (v4_3_0). At the point of the last release, this superfamily was named:


Functional Families

Overview of the Structural Clusters (SC) and Functional Families within this CATH Superfamily. Clusters with a representative structure are represented by a filled circle.
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FunFam 8: Pre-B-cell leukemia transcription factor 1

Please note: GO annotations are assigned to the full protein sequence rather than individual protein domains. Since a given protein can contain multiple domains, it is possible that some of the annotations below come from additional domains that occur in the same protein, but have been classified elsewhere in CATH.

There are 34 GO terms relating to "molecular function"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Protein binding GO:0005515
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
83 O35317 (/IPI) O35317 (/IPI) O35317 (/IPI) O35984 (/IPI) O35984 (/IPI) P40424 (/IPI) P40424 (/IPI) P40424 (/IPI) P40424 (/IPI) P40424 (/IPI)
(73 more)
DNA binding GO:0003677
Any molecular function by which a gene product interacts selectively and non-covalently with DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).
71 P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA)
(61 more)
DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific GO:0000981
A protein or a member of a complex that interacts selectively and non-covalently with a specific DNA sequence (sometimes referred to as a motif) within the regulatory region of a RNA polymerase II-transcribed gene to modulate transcription. Regulatory regions include promoters (proximal and distal) and enhancers. Genes are transcriptional units.
67 P40424 (/ISA) P40424 (/ISA) P40424 (/ISA) P40424 (/ISA) P40424 (/ISA) P40424 (/ISA) P40424 (/ISA) P40424 (/ISA) P40424 (/ISA) P40424 (/ISA)
(57 more)
DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific GO:0000981
A protein or a member of a complex that interacts selectively and non-covalently with a specific DNA sequence (sometimes referred to as a motif) within the regulatory region of a RNA polymerase II-transcribed gene to modulate transcription. Regulatory regions include promoters (proximal and distal) and enhancers. Genes are transcriptional units.
67 P40424 (/ISM) P40424 (/ISM) P40424 (/ISM) P40424 (/ISM) P40424 (/ISM) P40424 (/ISM) P40424 (/ISM) P40424 (/ISM) P40424 (/ISM) P40424 (/ISM)
(57 more)
DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific GO:0000981
A protein or a member of a complex that interacts selectively and non-covalently with a specific DNA sequence (sometimes referred to as a motif) within the regulatory region of a RNA polymerase II-transcribed gene to modulate transcription. Regulatory regions include promoters (proximal and distal) and enhancers. Genes are transcriptional units.
66 P40424 (/NAS) P40424 (/NAS) P40424 (/NAS) P40424 (/NAS) P40424 (/NAS) P40424 (/NAS) P40424 (/NAS) P40424 (/NAS) P40424 (/NAS) P40424 (/NAS)
(56 more)
Sequence-specific DNA binding GO:0043565
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with DNA of a specific nucleotide composition, e.g. GC-rich DNA binding, or with a specific sequence motif or type of DNA e.g. promotor binding or rDNA binding.
44 O35317 (/IDA) O35317 (/IDA) O35317 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P41778 (/IDA)
(34 more)
Protein heterodimerization activity GO:0046982
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a nonidentical protein to form a heterodimer.
38 P40427 (/IPI) P40427 (/IPI) P40427 (/IPI) P40427 (/IPI) P40427 (/IPI) P40427 (/IPI) P41778 (/IPI) P41778 (/IPI) P41778 (/IPI) P41778 (/IPI)
(28 more)
DNA-binding transcription activator activity, RNA polymerase II-specific GO:0001228
A protein or a member of a complex that interacts selectively and non-covalently with a specific DNA sequence (sometimes referred to as a motif) within the regulatory region of a RNA polymerase II-transcribed gene to activate or increase transcription. Regulatory regions include promoters (proximal and distal) and enhancers. Genes are transcriptional units.
35 O35317 (/IDA) O35317 (/IDA) O35317 (/IDA) P41778 (/IDA) P41778 (/IDA) P41778 (/IDA) P41778 (/IDA) P41778 (/IDA) P41778 (/IDA) P41778 (/IDA)
(25 more)
Transcription factor binding GO:0008134
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a transcription factor, a protein required to initiate or regulate transcription.
34 O35984 (/ISO) O35984 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO)
(24 more)
RNA polymerase II proximal promoter sequence-specific DNA binding GO:0000978
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a specific upstream regulatory DNA sequence (transcription factor recognition sequence or binding site) located in the proximal promoter of a gene transcribed by RNA polymerase II. The proximal promoter is in cis with and relatively close to the core promoter.
32 P41778 (/IDA) P41778 (/IDA) P41778 (/IDA) P41778 (/IDA) P41778 (/IDA) P41778 (/IDA) P41778 (/IDA) P41778 (/IDA) P41778 (/IDA) P41778 (/IDA)
(22 more)
DNA binding GO:0003677
Any molecular function by which a gene product interacts selectively and non-covalently with DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).
32 P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO)
(22 more)
DNA-binding transcription factor activity GO:0003700
A protein or a member of a complex that interacts selectively and non-covalently with a specific DNA sequence (sometimes referred to as a motif) within the regulatory region of a gene to modulate transcription. Regulatory regions include promoters (proximal and distal) and enhancers. Genes are transcriptional units, and include bacterial operons.
32 P40424 (/NAS) P40424 (/NAS) P40424 (/NAS) P40424 (/NAS) P40424 (/NAS) P40424 (/NAS) P40424 (/NAS) P40424 (/NAS) P40424 (/NAS) P40424 (/NAS)
(22 more)
Sequence-specific DNA binding GO:0043565
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with DNA of a specific nucleotide composition, e.g. GC-rich DNA binding, or with a specific sequence motif or type of DNA e.g. promotor binding or rDNA binding.
32 P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI)
(22 more)
Transcription factor binding GO:0008134
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a transcription factor, a protein required to initiate or regulate transcription.
9 P40425 (/IPI) P40425 (/IPI) P40425 (/IPI) P40427 (/IPI) P40427 (/IPI) P40427 (/IPI) P40427 (/IPI) P40427 (/IPI) P40427 (/IPI)
Enhancer sequence-specific DNA binding GO:0001158
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a specific sequence of DNA that is part of an enhancer, a transcription regulatory region that is somewhat distal from the core promoter and which enhances transcription from that promoter.
7 P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P41779 (/IDA)
DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific GO:0000981
A protein or a member of a complex that interacts selectively and non-covalently with a specific DNA sequence (sometimes referred to as a motif) within the regulatory region of a RNA polymerase II-transcribed gene to modulate transcription. Regulatory regions include promoters (proximal and distal) and enhancers. Genes are transcriptional units.
6 P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA)
DNA-binding transcription factor activity GO:0003700
A protein or a member of a complex that interacts selectively and non-covalently with a specific DNA sequence (sometimes referred to as a motif) within the regulatory region of a gene to modulate transcription. Regulatory regions include promoters (proximal and distal) and enhancers. Genes are transcriptional units, and include bacterial operons.
6 P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP)
Transcription coregulator activity GO:0003712
A protein or a member of a complex that interacts specifically and non-covalently with a DNA-bound DNA-binding transcription factor to either activate or repress the transcription of specific genes. Coregulators often act by altering chromatin structure and modifications. For example, one class of transcription coregulators modifies chromatin structure through covalent modification of histones. A second ATP-dependent class modifies the conformation of chromatin. A third class modulates interactions of DNA-binding transcription factor with other transcription coregulators.
6 P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA)
Transcription coactivator activity GO:0003713
A protein or a member of a complex that interacts specifically and non-covalently with a DNA-bound DNA-binding transcription factor to activate the transcription of specific genes. Coactivators often act by altering chromatin structure and modifications. For example, one class of transcription coregulators modifies chromatin structure through covalent modification of histones. A second ATP-dependent class modifies the conformation of chromatin. Another type of coregulator activity is the bridging of a DNA-binding transcription factor to the basal transcription machinery. The Mediator complex, which bridges transcription factors and RNA polymerase, is also a transcription coactivator.
6 P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA)
Activating transcription factor binding GO:0033613
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an activating transcription factor, any protein whose activity is required to initiate or upregulate transcription.
6 P40427 (/IPI) P40427 (/IPI) P40427 (/IPI) P40427 (/IPI) P40427 (/IPI) P40427 (/IPI)
Enhancer binding GO:0035326
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an enhancer, a transcription regulatory region that is somewhat distal from the core promoter and which enhances transcription from that promoter.
6 P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA)
Protein heterodimerization activity GO:0046982
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a nonidentical protein to form a heterodimer.
6 P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA)
RNA polymerase II regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding GO:0000977
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a specific sequence of DNA that is part of a regulatory region that controls the transcription of a gene or cistron by RNA polymerase II.
3 P40425 (/IDA) P40425 (/IDA) P40425 (/IDA)
RNA polymerase II distal enhancer sequence-specific DNA binding GO:0000980
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a RNA polymerase II (Pol II) distal enhancer. In mammalian cells, enhancers are distal sequences that increase the utilization of some promoters, and can function in either orientation and in any location (upstream or downstream) relative to the core promoter.
3 O35317 (/IDA) O35317 (/IDA) O35317 (/IDA)
DNA-binding transcription activator activity, RNA polymerase II-specific GO:0001228
A protein or a member of a complex that interacts selectively and non-covalently with a specific DNA sequence (sometimes referred to as a motif) within the regulatory region of a RNA polymerase II-transcribed gene to activate or increase transcription. Regulatory regions include promoters (proximal and distal) and enhancers. Genes are transcriptional units.
3 P40425 (/IC) P40425 (/IC) P40425 (/IC)
DNA binding GO:0003677
Any molecular function by which a gene product interacts selectively and non-covalently with DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).
3 Q29CT2 (/ISS) Q7PMT1 (/ISS) Q7PMT1 (/ISS)
DNA-binding transcription factor activity GO:0003700
A protein or a member of a complex that interacts selectively and non-covalently with a specific DNA sequence (sometimes referred to as a motif) within the regulatory region of a gene to modulate transcription. Regulatory regions include promoters (proximal and distal) and enhancers. Genes are transcriptional units, and include bacterial operons.
3 Q29CT2 (/ISS) Q7PMT1 (/ISS) Q7PMT1 (/ISS)
RNA polymerase II regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding GO:0000977
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a specific sequence of DNA that is part of a regulatory region that controls the transcription of a gene or cistron by RNA polymerase II.
2 O35984 (/ISO) O35984 (/ISO)
Chromatin binding GO:0003682
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with chromatin, the network of fibers of DNA, protein, and sometimes RNA, that make up the chromosomes of the eukaryotic nucleus during interphase.
2 O35984 (/IDA) O35984 (/IDA)
Chromatin binding GO:0003682
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with chromatin, the network of fibers of DNA, protein, and sometimes RNA, that make up the chromosomes of the eukaryotic nucleus during interphase.
2 B3DM47 (/ISS) Q6IR52 (/ISS)
Sequence-specific DNA binding GO:0043565
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with DNA of a specific nucleotide composition, e.g. GC-rich DNA binding, or with a specific sequence motif or type of DNA e.g. promotor binding or rDNA binding.
2 B4F6V6 (/ISS) Q9BYU1 (/ISS)
RNA polymerase II transcription coactivator binding GO:0001225
Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA polymerase II transcription coactivator, any protein involved in positive regulation of transcription of RNA polymerase II via protein-protein interactions with transcription factors and other proteins that positively regulate transcription. Transcription coactivators do not bind DNA directly, but rather mediate protein-protein interactions between activating transcription factors and the basal transcription machinery of RNA polymerase II.
1 P41779 (/IPI)
DNA binding GO:0003677
Any molecular function by which a gene product interacts selectively and non-covalently with DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).
1 P41779 (/TAS)
DNA-binding transcription factor activity GO:0003700
A protein or a member of a complex that interacts selectively and non-covalently with a specific DNA sequence (sometimes referred to as a motif) within the regulatory region of a gene to modulate transcription. Regulatory regions include promoters (proximal and distal) and enhancers. Genes are transcriptional units, and include bacterial operons.
1 Q9PW77 (/IDA)

There are 86 GO terms relating to "biological process"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II GO:0045944
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of transcription from an RNA polymerase II promoter.
48 O35317 (/IDA) O35317 (/IDA) O35317 (/IDA) O35984 (/IDA) O35984 (/IDA) P40425 (/IDA) P40425 (/IDA) P40425 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA)
(38 more)
Proximal/distal pattern formation GO:0009954
The regionalization process in which specific areas of cell differentiation are determined along a proximal/distal axis. The proximal/distal axis is defined by a line that runs from main body (proximal end) of an organism outward (distal end).
34 O35984 (/IGI) O35984 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI)
(24 more)
Embryonic limb morphogenesis GO:0030326
The process, occurring in the embryo, by which the anatomical structures of the limb are generated and organized. A limb is an appendage of an animal used for locomotion or grasping.
34 O35984 (/IGI) O35984 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI)
(24 more)
Urogenital system development GO:0001655
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the urogenital system over time, from its formation to the mature structure.
32 P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP)
(22 more)
Branching involved in ureteric bud morphogenesis GO:0001658
The process in which the branching structure of the ureteric bud is generated and organized. The ureteric bud is an epithelial tube that grows out from the metanephric duct. The bud elongates and branches to give rise to the ureter and kidney collecting tubules.
32 P41778 (/IDA) P41778 (/IDA) P41778 (/IDA) P41778 (/IDA) P41778 (/IDA) P41778 (/IDA) P41778 (/IDA) P41778 (/IDA) P41778 (/IDA) P41778 (/IDA)
(22 more)
Positive regulation of transcription of Notch receptor target GO:0007221
The activation of transcription of specific genes as a result of Notch signaling, mediated by the Notch intracellular domain.
32 P40424 (/TAS) P40424 (/TAS) P40424 (/TAS) P40424 (/TAS) P40424 (/TAS) P40424 (/TAS) P40424 (/TAS) P40424 (/TAS) P40424 (/TAS) P40424 (/TAS)
(22 more)
Positive regulation of cell population proliferation GO:0008284
Any process that activates or increases the rate or extent of cell proliferation.
32 P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP)
(22 more)
Animal organ morphogenesis GO:0009887
Morphogenesis of an animal organ. An organ is defined as a tissue or set of tissues that work together to perform a specific function or functions. Morphogenesis is the process in which anatomical structures are generated and organized. Organs are commonly observed as visibly distinct structures, but may also exist as loosely associated clusters of cells that work together to perform a specific function or functions.
32 P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP)
(22 more)
Anterior/posterior pattern specification GO:0009952
The regionalization process in which specific areas of cell differentiation are determined along the anterior-posterior axis. The anterior-posterior axis is defined by a line that runs from the head or mouth of an organism to the tail or opposite end of the organism.
32 P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP)
(22 more)
Proximal/distal pattern formation GO:0009954
The regionalization process in which specific areas of cell differentiation are determined along a proximal/distal axis. The proximal/distal axis is defined by a line that runs from main body (proximal end) of an organism outward (distal end).
32 P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP)
(22 more)
Positive regulation of G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle GO:0010971
Any signalling pathway that activates or increases the activity of a cell cycle cyclin-dependent protein kinase to modulate the switch from G2 phase to M phase of the mitotic cell cycle.
32 P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP)
(22 more)
Regulation of ossification GO:0030278
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of ossification, the formation of bone or of a bony substance or the conversion of fibrous tissue or of cartilage into bone or a bony substance.
32 P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP)
(22 more)
Adrenal gland development GO:0030325
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the adrenal gland over time, from its formation to the mature structure. This gland can either be a discrete structure located bilaterally above each kidney, or a cluster of cells in the head kidney that perform the functions of the adrenal gland. In either case, this organ consists of two cells types, aminergic chromaffin cells and steroidogenic cortical cells.
32 P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP)
(22 more)
Somatic stem cell population maintenance GO:0035019
Any process by which an organism retains a population of somatic stem cells, undifferentiated cells in the embryo or adult which can undergo unlimited division and give rise to cell types of the body other than those of the germ-line.
32 P40424 (/TAS) P40424 (/TAS) P40424 (/TAS) P40424 (/TAS) P40424 (/TAS) P40424 (/TAS) P40424 (/TAS) P40424 (/TAS) P40424 (/TAS) P40424 (/TAS)
(22 more)
Embryonic hemopoiesis GO:0035162
The stages of blood cell formation that take place within the embryo.
32 P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP)
(22 more)
Regulation of cell population proliferation GO:0042127
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of cell proliferation.
32 P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP)
(22 more)
Negative regulation of DNA-binding transcription factor activity GO:0043433
Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the activity of a transcription factor, any factor involved in the initiation or regulation of transcription.
32 P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO)
(22 more)
Negative regulation of neuron differentiation GO:0045665
Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of neuron differentiation.
32 P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI)
(22 more)
Spleen development GO:0048536
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the spleen over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The spleen is a large vascular lymphatic organ composed of white and red pulp, involved both in hemopoietic and immune system functions.
32 P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI) P41778 (/IGI)
(22 more)
Spleen development GO:0048536
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the spleen over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The spleen is a large vascular lymphatic organ composed of white and red pulp, involved both in hemopoietic and immune system functions.
32 P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP)
(22 more)
Thymus development GO:0048538
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the thymus over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The thymus is a symmetric bi-lobed organ involved primarily in the differentiation of immature to mature T cells, with unique vascular, nervous, epithelial, and lymphoid cell components.
32 P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP)
(22 more)
Embryonic organ development GO:0048568
Development, taking place during the embryonic phase, of a tissue or tissues that work together to perform a specific function or functions. Development pertains to the process whose specific outcome is the progression of a structure over time, from its formation to the mature structure. Organs are commonly observed as visibly distinct structures, but may also exist as loosely associated clusters of cells that work together to perform a specific function or functions.
32 P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP)
(22 more)
Embryonic skeletal system development GO:0048706
The process, occurring during the embryonic phase, whose specific outcome is the progression of the skeleton over time, from its formation to the mature structure.
32 P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP) P41778 (/IMP)
(22 more)
Anterior compartment pattern formation GO:0007387
The process giving rise to specification of cell identity in the anterior compartments of the segmented embryo.
31 P40426 (/TAS) P40426 (/TAS) P40426 (/TAS) P40426 (/TAS) P40426 (/TAS) P40426 (/TAS) P40426 (/TAS) P40426 (/TAS) P40426 (/TAS) P40426 (/TAS)
(21 more)
Posterior compartment specification GO:0007388
The process involved in the specification of cell identity in the posterior compartments of the segmented embryo.
31 P40426 (/TAS) P40426 (/TAS) P40426 (/TAS) P40426 (/TAS) P40426 (/TAS) P40426 (/TAS) P40426 (/TAS) P40426 (/TAS) P40426 (/TAS) P40426 (/TAS)
(21 more)
Brain development GO:0007420
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the brain over time, from its formation to the mature structure. Brain development begins with patterning events in the neural tube and ends with the mature structure that is the center of thought and emotion. The brain is responsible for the coordination and control of bodily activities and the interpretation of information from the senses (sight, hearing, smell, etc.).
10 B3DH36 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) Q9I9B4 (/IMP) Q9PW77 (/IMP) X1WBQ2 (/IMP)
Positive regulation of transcription, DNA-templated GO:0045893
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of cellular DNA-templated transcription.
9 P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P41779 (/IDA) Q8QGC4 (/IDA) Q8QGC4 (/IDA)
Positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II GO:0045944
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of transcription from an RNA polymerase II promoter.
7 P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P41779 (/IMP)
Eye development GO:0001654
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the eye over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The eye is the organ of sight.
6 P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP)
Regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II GO:0006357
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of transcription mediated by RNA polymerase II.
6 P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP)
Peripheral nervous system development GO:0007422
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the peripheral nervous system over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The peripheral nervous system is one of the two major divisions of the nervous system. Nerves in the PNS connect the central nervous system (CNS) with sensory organs, other organs, muscles, blood vessels and glands.
6 P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP)
Salivary gland boundary specification GO:0007432
Determination of where the salivary gland forms, the total number of salivary gland cells and how many cells are allocated to each of the specialised cell types within the salivary gland.
6 P40427 (/NAS) P40427 (/NAS) P40427 (/NAS) P40427 (/NAS) P40427 (/NAS) P40427 (/NAS)
Salivary gland boundary specification GO:0007432
Determination of where the salivary gland forms, the total number of salivary gland cells and how many cells are allocated to each of the specialised cell types within the salivary gland.
6 P40427 (/TAS) P40427 (/TAS) P40427 (/TAS) P40427 (/TAS) P40427 (/TAS) P40427 (/TAS)
Oenocyte development GO:0007438
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the oenocyte over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The oenocytes are large secretory cells found in clusters underlying the epidermis of larval abdominal segments.
6 P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP)
Somatic muscle development GO:0007525
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the somatic muscle over time, from its formation to the mature structure. Somatic muscles are striated muscle structures that connect to the exoskeleton or cuticle.
6 P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP)
Regulation of cell fate specification GO:0042659
Any process that mediates the adoption of a specific fate by a cell.
6 P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP) P40427 (/IMP)
Heart morphogenesis GO:0003007
The developmental process in which the heart is generated and organized. The heart is a hollow, muscular organ, which, by contracting rhythmically, keeps up the circulation of the blood.
4 B3DH36 (/IGI) Q9I9B4 (/IGI) Q9PW77 (/IGI) X1WBQ2 (/IGI)
Midbrain development GO:0030901
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the midbrain over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The midbrain is the middle division of the three primary divisions of the developing chordate brain or the corresponding part of the adult brain (in vertebrates, includes a ventral part containing the cerebral peduncles and a dorsal tectum containing the corpora quadrigemina and that surrounds the aqueduct of Sylvius connecting the third and fourth ventricles).
4 B3DH36 (/IGI) Q9I9B4 (/IGI) Q9PW77 (/IGI) X1WBQ2 (/IGI)
Neuron development GO:0048666
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of a neuron over time, from initial commitment of the cell to a specific fate, to the fully functional differentiated cell.
4 O35317 (/IMP) O35317 (/IMP) O35317 (/IMP) Q9PW77 (/IMP)
Skeletal muscle fiber development GO:0048741
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the skeletal muscle fiber over time, from its formation to the mature structure. Muscle fibers are formed by the maturation of myotubes. They can be classed as slow, intermediate/fast or fast.
4 B3DH36 (/IGI) Q9I9B4 (/IGI) Q9PW77 (/IGI) X1WBQ2 (/IGI)
Cardiac muscle cell differentiation GO:0055007
The process in which a cardiac muscle precursor cell acquires specialized features of a cardiac muscle cell. Cardiac muscle cells are striated muscle cells that are responsible for heart contraction.
4 B3DH36 (/IGI) Q9I9B4 (/IGI) Q9PW77 (/IGI) X1WBQ2 (/IGI)
Embryonic retina morphogenesis in camera-type eye GO:0060059
The process in which the anatomical structure of the retina is generated and organized in a camera-type eye during the embryonic life stage.
4 B3DH36 (/IGI) Q9I9B4 (/IGI) Q9PW77 (/IGI) X1WBQ2 (/IGI)
Eye development GO:0001654
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the eye over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The eye is the organ of sight.
3 Q29CT2 (/ISS) Q7PMT1 (/ISS) Q7PMT1 (/ISS)
Regulation of respiratory gaseous exchange by nervous system process GO:0002087
A process carried out by the nervous system that is required for the proper control of respiratory gaseous exchange. This process occurs in the respiratory center of the brain in vertebrates.
3 O35317 (/IMP) O35317 (/IMP) O35317 (/IMP)
Regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II GO:0006357
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of transcription mediated by RNA polymerase II.
3 Q29CT2 (/ISS) Q7PMT1 (/ISS) Q7PMT1 (/ISS)
Peripheral nervous system development GO:0007422
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the peripheral nervous system over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The peripheral nervous system is one of the two major divisions of the nervous system. Nerves in the PNS connect the central nervous system (CNS) with sensory organs, other organs, muscles, blood vessels and glands.
3 Q29CT2 (/ISS) Q7PMT1 (/ISS) Q7PMT1 (/ISS)
Respiratory gaseous exchange by respiratory system GO:0007585
The process of gaseous exchange between an organism and its environment. In plants, microorganisms, and many small animals, air or water makes direct contact with the organism's cells or tissue fluids, and the processes of diffusion supply the organism with dioxygen (O2) and remove carbon dioxide (CO2). In larger animals the efficiency of gaseous exchange is improved by specialized respiratory organs, such as lungs and gills, which are ventilated by breathing mechanisms.
3 O35317 (/IMP) O35317 (/IMP) O35317 (/IMP)
Adult locomotory behavior GO:0008344
Locomotory behavior in a fully developed and mature organism.
3 O35317 (/IMP) O35317 (/IMP) O35317 (/IMP)
Dorsal spinal cord development GO:0021516
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the dorsal region of the spinal cord over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The dorsal region of the mature spinal cord contains neurons that process and relay sensory input.
3 O35317 (/IMP) O35317 (/IMP) O35317 (/IMP)
Positive regulation of transcription, DNA-templated GO:0045893
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of cellular DNA-templated transcription.
3 Q8QGC4 (/IGI) Q8QGC4 (/IGI) Q9PW77 (/IGI)
Positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II GO:0045944
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of transcription from an RNA polymerase II promoter.
3 Q8QGC4 (/IGI) Q8QGC4 (/IGI) Q9PW77 (/IGI)
Positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II GO:0045944
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of transcription from an RNA polymerase II promoter.
3 B3DM47 (/ISS) B4F6V6 (/ISS) Q6IR52 (/ISS)
Vasculature development GO:0001944
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the vasculature over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The vasculature is an interconnected tubular multi-tissue structure that contains fluid that is actively transported around the organism.
2 Q9I9B6 (/IMP) Q9I9B7 (/IMP)
Neural crest cell fate specification GO:0014036
The process in which a cell becomes capable of differentiating autonomously into a neural crest cell in an environment that is neutral with respect to the developmental pathway; upon specification, the cell fate can be reversed.
2 Q8QGC4 (/IGI) Q8QGC4 (/IGI)
Neutrophil differentiation GO:0030223
The process in which a myeloid precursor cell acquires the specialized features of a neutrophil.
2 Q9I9B6 (/IMP) Q9I9B7 (/IMP)
Positive regulation of transcription, DNA-templated GO:0045893
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of cellular DNA-templated transcription.
2 Q99NE9 (/IC) Q9BYU1 (/IC)
Positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II GO:0045944
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of transcription from an RNA polymerase II promoter.
2 O35984 (/ISO) O35984 (/ISO)
Swim bladder morphogenesis GO:0048795
The process in which the anatomical structure of the swim bladder is generated and organized. The swim bladder is used by some fishes to maintain buoyancy and may function in addition as a sound producing organ, a sound receptor, and a respiratory organ.
2 Q9I9B6 (/IMP) Q9I9B7 (/IMP)
Definitive hemopoiesis GO:0060216
A second wave of blood cell production that, in vertebrates, generates long-term hemopoietic stem cells that continously provide erythroid, myeloid and lymphoid lineages throughout adulthood.
2 Q9I9B6 (/IMP) Q9I9B7 (/IMP)
Renal system development GO:0072001
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the renal system over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The renal system maintains fluid balance and contributes to electrolyte balance, acid/base balance, and disposal of nitrogenous waste products. In humans, the renal system comprises a pair of kidneys, a pair of ureters, urinary bladder, urethra, sphincter muscle and associated blood vessels.
2 Q8QGC4 (/ISS) Q8QGC4 (/ISS)
Cranial skeletal system development GO:1904888
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of a cranial skeletal system over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The cranial skeletal system is the skeletal subdivision of the head, and includes the skull (cranium plus mandible), pharyngeal and/or hyoid apparatus.
2 Q8QGC4 (/ISS) Q8QGC4 (/ISS)
Neural crest cell migration GO:0001755
The characteristic movement of cells from the dorsal ridge of the neural tube to a variety of locations in a vertebrate embryo.
1 Q9PW77 (/IMP)
Neuron migration GO:0001764
The characteristic movement of an immature neuron from germinal zones to specific positions where they will reside as they mature.
1 Q9PW77 (/IDA)
Heart morphogenesis GO:0003007
The developmental process in which the heart is generated and organized. The heart is a hollow, muscular organ, which, by contracting rhythmically, keeps up the circulation of the blood.
1 Q9PW77 (/IMP)
Bulbus arteriosus development GO:0003232
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the bulbus arteriosus over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The bulbus arteriosus is an elastic heart chamber.
1 Q9PW77 (/IMP)
Proepicardium development GO:0003342
The progression of the proepicardium from its formation to the mature structure. The proepicardium is an outpouching of the septum transversum.
1 Q9PW77 (/IMP)
Regulation of transcription, DNA-templated GO:0006355
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of cellular DNA-templated transcription.
1 Q9PW77 (/IMP)
Regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II GO:0006357
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of transcription mediated by RNA polymerase II.
1 Q99NE9 (/IC)
Transcription by RNA polymerase II GO:0006366
The synthesis of RNA from a DNA template by RNA polymerase II (RNAP II), originating at an RNA polymerase II promoter. Includes transcription of messenger RNA (mRNA) and certain small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs).
1 Q9BYU1 (/IC)
Axon guidance GO:0007411
The chemotaxis process that directs the migration of an axon growth cone to a specific target site in response to a combination of attractive and repulsive cues.
1 Q9PW77 (/IDA)
Mesoderm development GO:0007498
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the mesoderm over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The mesoderm is the middle germ layer that develops into muscle, bone, cartilage, blood and connective tissue.
1 P41779 (/IMP)
Mesodermal cell fate specification GO:0007501
The cell fate determination process in which a cell becomes capable of differentiating autonomously into a mesoderm cell in an environment that is neutral with respect to the developmental pathway; upon specification, the cell fate can be reversed.
1 P41779 (/IGI)
Heart development GO:0007507
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the heart over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The heart is a hollow, muscular organ, which, by contracting rhythmically, keeps up the circulation of the blood.
1 Q9PW77 (/IMP)
Regulation of asymmetric cell division GO:0009786
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of asymmetric cell division.
1 P41779 (/IMP)
Anterior/posterior pattern specification GO:0009952
The regionalization process in which specific areas of cell differentiation are determined along the anterior-posterior axis. The anterior-posterior axis is defined by a line that runs from the head or mouth of an organism to the tail or opposite end of the organism.
1 P41779 (/TAS)
Neural crest cell fate specification GO:0014036
The process in which a cell becomes capable of differentiating autonomously into a neural crest cell in an environment that is neutral with respect to the developmental pathway; upon specification, the cell fate can be reversed.
1 B4F6V6 (/ISS)
Neuron differentiation GO:0030182
The process in which a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of a neuron.
1 Q9PW77 (/IMP)
Hindbrain development GO:0030902
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the hindbrain over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The hindbrain is the posterior of the three primary divisions of the developing chordate brain, or the corresponding part of the adult brain (in vertebrates, includes the cerebellum, pons, and medulla oblongata and controls the autonomic functions and equilibrium).
1 Q9PW77 (/IGI)
Pancreas development GO:0031016
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the pancreas over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The pancreas is an endoderm derived structure that produces precursors of digestive enzymes and blood glucose regulating enzymes.
1 Q9PW77 (/IMP)
Regulation of histone methylation GO:0031060
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of the covalent addition of methyl groups to histones.
1 Q9PW77 (/IGI)
Negative regulation of histone methylation GO:0031061
Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the covalent addition of methyl groups to histones.
1 Q9PW77 (/IGI)
Positive regulation of histone acetylation GO:0035066
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the addition of an acetyl group to a histone protein.
1 Q9PW77 (/IGI)
Muscle cell differentiation GO:0042692
The process in which a relatively unspecialized cell acquires specialized features of a muscle cell.
1 P41779 (/IGI)
Positive regulation of transcription, DNA-templated GO:0045893
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of cellular DNA-templated transcription.
1 B4F6V6 (/ISS)
Positive regulation of mesodermal cell fate specification GO:0048337
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of mesoderm cell fate specification.
1 P41779 (/IMP)
Embryonic cranial skeleton morphogenesis GO:0048701
The process in which the anatomical structures of the cranial skeleton are generated and organized during the embryonic phase.
1 Q9PW77 (/IMP)

There are 21 GO terms relating to "cellular component"

The search results have been sorted with the annotations that are found most frequently at the top of the list. The results can be filtered by typing text into the search box at the top of the table.
GO Term Annotations Evidence
Nucleoplasm GO:0005654
That part of the nuclear content other than the chromosomes or the nucleolus.
94 A0A024R919 (/IDA) A0A024R919 (/IDA) A0A024R919 (/IDA) A0A024R919 (/IDA) A0A024R919 (/IDA) A0A024R919 (/IDA) A0A024R919 (/IDA) A0A024R919 (/IDA) A0A024R919 (/IDA) A0A024R919 (/IDA)
(84 more)
Nucleus GO:0005634
A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent.
82 O35317 (/IDA) O35317 (/IDA) O35317 (/IDA) O35984 (/IDA) O35984 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA)
(72 more)
Cytoplasm GO:0005737
All of the contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures.
70 P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA)
(60 more)
Nucleoplasm GO:0005654
That part of the nuclear content other than the chromosomes or the nucleolus.
64 P40424 (/TAS) P40424 (/TAS) P40424 (/TAS) P40424 (/TAS) P40424 (/TAS) P40424 (/TAS) P40424 (/TAS) P40424 (/TAS) P40424 (/TAS) P40424 (/TAS)
(54 more)
Transcription factor complex GO:0005667
A protein complex that is capable of associating with DNA by direct binding, or via other DNA-binding proteins or complexes, and regulating transcription.
43 O35317 (/IDA) O35317 (/IDA) O35317 (/IDA) O35984 (/IDA) O35984 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA)
(33 more)
Nucleus GO:0005634
A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent.
34 O35984 (/ISO) O35984 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO)
(24 more)
RNA polymerase II transcription factor complex GO:0090575
A transcription factor complex that acts at a regulatory region of a gene transcribed by RNA polymerase II.
33 P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA) P40424 (/IDA)
(23 more)
Nucleoplasm GO:0005654
That part of the nuclear content other than the chromosomes or the nucleolus.
32 P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO)
(22 more)
Cytoplasm GO:0005737
All of the contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures.
32 P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO)
(22 more)
RNA polymerase II transcription factor complex GO:0090575
A transcription factor complex that acts at a regulatory region of a gene transcribed by RNA polymerase II.
32 P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO) P41778 (/ISO)
(22 more)
Transcription factor complex GO:0005667
A protein complex that is capable of associating with DNA by direct binding, or via other DNA-binding proteins or complexes, and regulating transcription.
6 P40427 (/IPI) P40427 (/IPI) P40427 (/IPI) P40427 (/IPI) P40427 (/IPI) P40427 (/IPI)
Transcription factor complex GO:0005667
A protein complex that is capable of associating with DNA by direct binding, or via other DNA-binding proteins or complexes, and regulating transcription.
6 B3DM47 (/ISS) B4F6V6 (/ISS) Q29CT2 (/ISS) Q6IR52 (/ISS) Q7PMT1 (/ISS) Q7PMT1 (/ISS)
Cytoplasm GO:0005737
All of the contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures.
6 P40427 (/TAS) P40427 (/TAS) P40427 (/TAS) P40427 (/TAS) P40427 (/TAS) P40427 (/TAS)
Protein-DNA complex GO:0032993
A macromolecular complex containing both protein and DNA molecules.
6 P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA) P40427 (/IDA)
RNA polymerase II transcription factor complex GO:0090575
A transcription factor complex that acts at a regulatory region of a gene transcribed by RNA polymerase II.
6 P40427 (/IPI) P40427 (/IPI) P40427 (/IPI) P40427 (/IPI) P40427 (/IPI) P40427 (/IPI)
Nucleus GO:0005634
A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent.
3 B3DM47 (/ISS) B4F6V6 (/ISS) Q6IR52 (/ISS)
Nucleus GO:0005634
A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent.
2 Q99NE9 (/IC) Q9BYU1 (/IC)
Transcription factor complex GO:0005667
A protein complex that is capable of associating with DNA by direct binding, or via other DNA-binding proteins or complexes, and regulating transcription.
2 Q8QGC4 (/IGI) Q8QGC4 (/IGI)
Midbody GO:0030496
A thin cytoplasmic bridge formed between daughter cells at the end of cytokinesis. The midbody forms where the contractile ring constricts, and may persist for some time before finally breaking to complete cytokinesis.
2 Q8QGC4 (/ISS) Q8QGC4 (/ISS)
XY body GO:0001741
A structure found in a male mammalian spermatocyte containing an unpaired X chromosome that has become densely heterochromatic, silenced and localized at the nuclear periphery.
1 Q99NE9 (/IDA)
Transcription factor complex GO:0005667
A protein complex that is capable of associating with DNA by direct binding, or via other DNA-binding proteins or complexes, and regulating transcription.
1 Q9PW77 (/IC)