PDB Information

Host OrganismSpodoptera frugiperda
Gene SourceGaldieria sulphuraria
Primary Citation
Structure of the triose-phosphate/phosphate translocator reveals the basis of substrate specificity
Lee, Y., Nishizawa, T., Takemoto, M., Kumazaki, K., Yamashita, K., Hirata, K., Minoda, A., Nagatoishi, S., Tsumoto, K., Ishitani, R., Nureki, O.
Nat Plants
HeaderTransport Protein
CATH Insert Date14 Nov, 2017

PDB Images (5)

PDB Prints

PDB Chains (2)

Chain ID Date inserted into CATH CATH Status
A 14 Nov, 2017 Chopped
B 14 Nov, 2017 Chopped

CATH Domains (2)

Domain ID Date inserted into CATH Superfamily CATH Status
5y79A00 16 Feb, 2018 Holding pen
5y79B00 16 Feb, 2018 Write scan list

UniProtKB Entries (0)

Accession Gene ID Taxon Description